Living Water ~Primordial Information Substrate

Living Water
Primordial Information Substrate

By Alisa Battaglia

Thought Moves Gods Spirit Across the Waters

Universal Laws are written in a molecule of water – hydrogen.  E = H2O = e is the molecular structure of water, which contains the principle of structural perfection. The water molecule is the primordial information substrate of Nature responsible for supporting the diversity of life on planet Earth.

This means that information about life is encoded or imprinted in water.  For instance, energetic rain, fresh air, the sun, minerals and rocks (coral calcium), and Natures circuits (rhythms) whose energy and information all move in the molecular fabric to create memory in water. The energetic informational qualities of water may be of even greater importance to our health than we have ever imagined because it interconnects all parts and processes within us.  Imagine that when we drink this elixir of life we literally consume the structural properties of a substance that is alive and with memory. We drink in the awesome wisdom of the Kosmos that is assimilated into our cells and consciousness with far reaching effects. Important to keep in mind that since the gift of life is entrusted to the sole substance of water, the key to our life purpose and death also holds the key through water. Water needs our care and utmost protection!

Everything has a significant part of water as a part of creation. With Earth being 75% water, the human body composed of 85% water and the brain containing 90% water; it is easy to see that water is the conductive force of life. I add solar energy to this divine alchemy, the hertz frequency of the sun that structures water to perfection. (See solar meditation). In addition, the realities of water also resonate with the deeper emotional and mysterious feelings we often experience in the presence of bodies of water – a sort of cleansing effect in the ebb and flow via the myriad tides of expression in our subtle realms of the emotions. Leonardo Da Vinci states that, “human emotions are water.” Hence, the great dialogue between water and humanity. Water – Sound – Frequency.

Water transmits chemical and structural information and is, thus equivalent to a person talking with a person. It picks up the frequencies of everything it comes into contact with, around it and the pipes it goes through to reach the tap. Imagine the plethora of chemical wastes funneled into our water systems from toxic industrial waste, chemical and pesticide run-off, pharmaceuticals to fluoride and other additives to clean the water we drink and bathe in. Water is a conduit. It holds memory and acts as an information exchange with all that is around it including sound. Like water, sound can either be used to create, heal or destroy. When we destroy living water, we destroy ourselves.

Water and Sound
Water is an informational system and takes on different complex structures based on the vibrations (or intentions) being directed at it in both positive and negative exchange. Our speech, written words, deeds, thoughts, feelings, prayers, intentions, music, and crystals, and so on produces an energy signature that is imprinted into water. Understanding that sound creates structures in water greatly emphasizes the many roles of water in the health of the body and on consciousness. CREATORS’ holy water is hexagonal (clustered water) and stores the frequency of miracles. Ponder the significance of water in ritual and ceremony used for healing purification and physical body maladies.

We can empower ourselves by reprogramming the water we drink and use, to not only be chemically pure, but to create a new structural pattern of health, love, perfection and divine being. Consider, for example, the musical note E or its correlative on the third Solfeggio Tone of “Mi.” Mi resonates to the miracle “528” vibrational number sequence that repairs damaged DNA. Imbibe the 528 miracle healing frequency into consciousness and thus, into water.

Water must be more than chemically pure, it must be alive. There are many products in the marketplace that promise to enhance the structure of water, making it either “wetter water” or “hexagonal water” that works far more effectively in the human body than the typical stagnant, dead water coming out of the faucet. Water of poor quality is a major contributing factor to a poor state of health in both body and mind.

The quality of our water is a prime concern if we aim for the highest possible state of health at all the levels. Much emphasis within the natural health community has been placed upon the physical purity of water. While the various impurities may be removed through filtration, typically the “memory” or “vibration” of these pollutants remains. There are positive and negative memory effects on water, but only the “negative memory” stored in the water has a detrimental effect upon our health. Hence, we need to broaden our approach to water and we can do so by acquainting ourselves with the works of Viktor Schauberger,  Johann Grander and Masaru Emoto.


CARE OF MIND ~ Reshape Your Consciousness To Reshape Your Life

By Alisa Battaglia

Imagine the original Self as a creator that sends consciousness in many directions at once to experience all possibilities. This multidimensional aspect or enlightened Self that is us makes use of this power for healing, personal growth, and to expand our connection into the stream of communion consciousness—The Divine Oneness of ALL THAT IS.

Our individual consciousness is multidimensional and is thus, able to engage the essential energy of all creation for wealth of personal power to manifest the life that we desire; to be more responsible for our own health; and to better govern the law of our own being through accelerated consciousness. We have myriad opportunity to recognize that the journey lies within us and is not an external destination. When we grasp this truism, fine-tuning our focus and discipline into the here and now– assures the necessary changes within to transform smallness of mind into the largess of being that we are.

Understanding the direct relation that our addictive negative thoughts and fears have on our soul’s progression can help us remove obstructions that limit our soul’s conscious evolution. For instance, negativity, whether in thought or visualization is a psychic pollutant that produces trauma in our bodies by taking physical form, as it records all experiences in both our cellular and etheric body structure. When blockages exist, they lower the frequency of our soul and block encoded symbols of Light that carries the celestial plan for our current incarnation and humanities evolution. When our bodies are clear of inner obstructions, the higher knowledge of our mission or blueprint is transmitted telepathically, via dreams and modes of inspiration through the ray of love, wisdom and universal law that works with the divine mind of the higher self.

To understand how we might live our divine blueprint we need to know that our thought-forms resonate at a particular frequency in the bandwidth of our auric fields that opens up holographic connections of an intended experience. Positive thoughts help us move forward on our journey to spiritual development, while negative thoughts inhibit our progress or move us into regression. Our choosing thoughts with optimistic overtones assist us in residing on a higher frequency enabling measured progress. For example, when we express ourselves in positive ways we take on equal amount of positive vibrations. When we express negativity, we equally take on that amount of expressed negativity. Pessimistic thoughts of anticipated doom and gloom help to create our negative experiences. Negative thoughts such as envy, criticism, hatred and jealousy emanates a vibration into the collective mind-sphere arousing the same thought forms creating affect.

Depending on the projected thought forms, they either raise or lower the Earth’s vibration and the collective consciousness. Choosing with integrity the experiences we wish to create via our thought-forms, helps us gain mastery over them by learning which ones attract and lead to joy and those that attract pain and difficult experiences to us. Abiding by Universal Law and Principle helps us to eliminate the pains of living by trial and error.

Releasing the collection of negativity from painful, fearful and frustrating experiences lodged within the varying fields of consciousness (auric layers of the bio-field) helps us to unlock the memory of negative energy imprints. These are the current negative experiences in our cellular biology carried from the womb and collective planetary experiences; genetic memory stored in our DNA passed down from seven generations of our ancestors; and emotional imprints stored within the living library from all our incarnations.  All forms of negativity lower our energy into a state of disharmony or dis-ease. When we address the causes and clear them, we allow our souls to accelerate in consciousness expanding our vector of perception. This provides increasing receptivity and a smoother transition through the various fields of expansion.

As we make contact with the parts of us that are disassociated and awaiting integration, we create an internal connection that was not initially available to us. This connection brings awareness to areas of inner resistance, our pain, where we do not love and honor ourselves. It also brings to fore our stuff to be transmuted and better integrated into our personality. As we release thought forms of old paradigms and those not ours to be cast off, we draw to us new experiences of a lighter energy content which increases the frequency of our energy body’s vibration.

Integration enables us to receive direct communication and guidance from our Soul to create and experience outside of delusion and self-imposed limitation. The goal of emotional purification is to transmute each layer of thought distortion or disunity thought-forms and their associated layers of density into those based in love, unity and honor of self. Discipline in dissolving our inner resistances and dichotomies, value judgments and fear based ideologies with right behavior and focus in the here and now, assures us the opportunity to move beyond the strictures of divisive thinking and gain access to soul memory of Oneness.

Ponder on this: You are what you think about all day long. One insight can change your reality and change the way you think!

Alisa Battaglia©2008-2019

All of Life is in Polarity

All of Life is in Polarity
By Alisa Battaglia

All of life is in polarity-that is, in relationship to its opposite or polar energy and our level of connectivity in relation to it. For instance, our relationship in opposition to the social structures set into place. The disconnection or division comes from having to labor our living at the expense of our creative soul urge. Life demands that we work and pay taxes for our keep and yet this causes a drain on our life force creating exhaustion, dis-ease and aberrations. The balance, of course, between the two polarities would be to find right livelihood…in so many terms, to “Live our Bliss.”

The second opposition that we struggle with is our relationship to our environment. With the first opposition in concretization, there is little time for connection with nature outside office buildings. In cars, we come and go to the workplace, the mall, grocery stores and so on. We pass by what is left of nature around us. We are disconnected because there is no real connection to the environment. This lack of connectivity to nature causes us to disengage from vital life preserving forces that through connection would align us by default to the greater rhythm of our planetary body and the Kosmic circuit in which it resides. Harmonizing with nature whether by walking through a park, gardening, or even honoring the moons monthly cycles puts us in touch with the greater rhythm that has become so elusive in our busy lives.

The polarity continues as we move within because what we see that is not right in society is actually a reflection of the collective mindset in a particular area. This points us in the direction of looking at that which is not right within us. Inner conflict runs between extremes. On one end of the polarity spectrum there is total withdrawal expressed as narcissism in the personality complex. The narcissistic defense mechanism is one that detaches emotions from intimate forms of connectivity with a need to control life, people and circumstances. Functioning from the head, the focus is most often on material gain or position while the emotions are withdrawn from the needs of self and others. Sensitivity and inner sight of the authentic nature is lost and life is superficial and myopic. However, for every control freak there is a counterpart to play out the role of victimhood or supplicant. This is best expressed in the co-dependent and addictive mindset whose intense emotional grasping to things, people and circumstances causes them to lose sight of their deepest needs and desires as a human being. Again with the focus powered onto the object of ones attention-things, people, drugs and alcohol, money and gambling, clothes and glamour, thoughts, and so on, the fulfillment of the immediate need causes the mind to skim only the surface of self, others and life. Both expressions, one overly mental and one emotional, produce disjointed human beings. When time is not taken to examine what is right and not right within us, we live miserable, lonely and loveless lives. Passion for life’s gifts, mysteries or energy to investigate them is lost, as life energy is disconnected from the Kosmos, nature and self…and slowly the spirit within is asphyxiated from lack of connection to the wellspring of life. The spirit within is the nexus of our existence – it is the force that animates our body, the Promethian Spark that gives life and substance to an otherwise lifeless body.

The next polarity and perhaps the most vital, as it moves to the very core of our existence is between the human being in relation to spirit – the polarity between resistance to living our inner light and fully embracing our divinity. The question is “Who are you in relationship to this borrowed body whose name you call yourself?” “Are you the body or the dweller within the body?” This apparent disconnection to the source of our being is the very peril that binds us from liberation. Our mental constraints take the lead setting parameters when the soul is timeless and without human boundary. The soul’s limitless space reflects the potential of our human capacity. Our connection to the source of our divinity is the stuff that all of life is made. In this space or void, the boundaryless fairway of existence is the opposite spectrum of our human struggle – the brain that divides, bifurcates, separates and sections off with an attachment to ways of perceiving and living. Finally, the polarity of the soul in relation to Spirit – between the souls urge to immerse back into Sources spiraling well of energy as One Life or attachment to the souls sheath.

In all these levels of connectivity and separateness are layers and layers of differentiation between them. The balance point always meets at the neutral middle – the center path of heart where there is acceptance in the reflection of the other. It is the point of light within us that is wise, creative, joyful and loving. This sacred point of light that is the true self within is the initiator between extremes, the conjoiner of opposites – the multitude of polarities that exists on this plane. When we arise from the heart of neutrality, the true center of reality we act as the center point between Heaven and Earth.


Mass Consciousness Grids Part 2


By Alisa Battaglia

“The experience of my link-up with the greater planetary forces was seen as a bolt of light that pierced my crown that moved down the center of my body and out into the Earth body connecting to other planetary bodies like a constellation in the bridging of timelines, “connectors” like the tinker toys of my youth. This direct experience linked my awareness to greater Kosmic realities. I discovered that the intersection of light lines at the right frequency has the capacity to alter the expressions of energy and consciousness that follow proportions defined by principles of sacred geometry.”  ~Alisa Battaglia

To better understand mass consciousness grids let’s start from the beginning. We each were born into human consciousness on this planet entering a preconstructed paradigm (Patrix) in a particular era in time. We attached to grid of mass consciousness by default and its common belief structure (matrix) without question and act from it as truth. There are myriad belief structures or programs, but it does not mean that they are true or that they are the only alternative to the way things are. We all have the same potential within us to live our higher Self—to embody a new awareness. To be fully aware in the body as indwelling Souls that operates at a higher reality of ideals rather than standards. Embodying the awareness, this knowing as that, is the journey of our existence.

The biggest illusion that we need to disengage from – to make the break from the mass conscious survivalist grid to the Heart Grid of Christed consciousness – is the illusion of separation. Death in reality does not exist, but rather is a continual stream of consciousness presented as a different dimensional expression. If we move into a higher state, we recognize that the physical body is what we exist in and that we are not the body. With there being a continual stream of consciousness there is also no separation, as time is also an illusion. Both are manufactured ideas. There is only the now, no past or present only the ever-present power of NOW that merges into unity the 12 dimensional time lines upon which our incarnational body links. There are many programs of false realties that cause us to think divisively. Separation does not exist, only in the dualistic conflicted mind. All of life, every organism, is interconnected on this planet with a grid supporting that life form’s existence to maintain self-organization. Ultimate reality is unified, and we are all part of the One Life.

Essential to know about the mass consciousness grid is that it seeks to de-spirit humanity, to disempower us from connecting with the authentic Self. Rather to identify with the ego structure and the five senses that machinates the physical body. This programming theme of divisiveness courses through all the veins of culture. We are indoctrinated into it, but there is a way out and the only way out is through and upliftment.

Earth’s Organic Grid Network ~ Opening the Hearts Portal

“Love is the vibration that causes the cells to sustain their life and sweetens the music of the entire field, from the cellular chakras to the chakras in the meridians; to the chakras around the etheric body, to the grid work of the etheric body, to the subtle bodies and dream time self. Without love there is only sour music, aging, disease, and death.”

The heart is ever the corridor for conscious living and with sincere discipline, and a practical and attainable level of personal refinement, vibrations rise and begin to operate within the Earthen reality. In this irreverable Beauty our bodies shows us that we can no longer function well or tolerate the limiting lower vibrational energies of the technosphere. Choose to short circuit the programs and disconnect from the mass consciousness grid.

We know that a closed heart chakra blocks the portal through which the Divine Love of the Feminine face of God 528 frequency enters the Earth and causes the feminine aspect of our Divinity, the germinating power, to withdraw. We also know that a closed heart consumes the love of the consensus. So, how do we open to a heart that loves from one that fears?

A trinity of personal commitments lends internal support. A commitment to the higher qualities of being such as integrity, impeccability, self-responsibility, and honest self-observation. Mindfulness to remain active and aware shows us where we are out of alignment with ourselves—where we are disconnected with Nature realities. The practice of observing habits, patterns, and choices is essential to our Soul evolution. We must clearly see ourselves and our level of responsibility, integrity, and impeccability in order for our individual unfoldment process to unfurl. The journey is lone. No one can do it for us, but we can do it alone together. 😉

As we empty ourselves from emotional baggage and limiting beliefs, we increase more space with the Presence of Flow. Yet in that space we anchor our energies bit by bit so that our feeling nature can handle it, as we begin to operate in the world from the integral place of Communion Consciousness.

The Organic Grid Network holds the memory of cosmic interconnectedness, thus stimulating self-actualization for those who attune to Her streaming. There exists a reminder of our true nature and encourages us to commune with the Living Presence. Living in alignment with sine wave of the Organic Grid Network keeps us connected to our origins and stimulates us to evolve forward into reunification with the One Life.

How do we walk the Path of Return into the Heart of the Mother?? Stay Tuned!


By Alisa Battaglia ©2018
Second Edition 5/12/15

Appearances of the Heart

Some people live closely guarded lives, fearful of encountering someone or something that might shatter their insecure spiritual foundation. This attitude, however, is not the fault of religion but of their own limited understanding. True Dharma leads in exactly the opposite direction. It enables one to integrate all the many diverse experiences of life into a meaningful and coherent whole, thereby banishing fear and insecurity completely. ~Lama Thubten Yeshe, “Wisdom Energy”

There are many who claim to be accelerated on the evolutionary path to enlightenment who parade around in a sheath of spiritual ego full of self-aggrandizement. Their attention is anchored with concern over how they appear to others and thus, they exaggerate their own importance, power, and reputation masking their inadequacies under the guise of love and compassion. With a need to secure false personal power in the eyes of others to appear expert on matters that elude them, their emotional bodies are easily thrown off balance and threatened when their thoughts and ideals are questioned and processes examined. Quick to mask their overcompensations from feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy, or victimhood, they react with quick emotional force. Taking things personally, with a swift wave of the hand they judge and dismiss differing perspectives and approaches of others on the path. Be weary of such manipulations. Discernment is needed here. The hallmark of a true initiate is non-attachment and clearly unconcerned with others emotional positions, as they are steadfast upon bridging inner and outer connections on many levels and to transmit that synthetic union to others through world service. Their lower bodies are aligned and integrated with a focus on living a more Soul infused reality as the expressive link in consciousness.

While the spiritual egoist espouses to tout the law of love, they miss the mark and project onto others a love-less vibrational state de-spiriting those in their chain of connection. These characters having reached a small measure of congruency between what they think, feel, say, and do, and their uncontrolled emotional bodies ever lead them astray. Emotional reactivity leads to imbalanced thought. Imbalanced thought creates a whole new set of frequency patterns.

While to err is to be human, it is most wise to take personal responsibility to grow and make better when it is due. Halting judgment and embracing another’s ways of being is a good place to start. With finger-pointing fear based approaches, many refuse to own their projections lost in their own demagoguery. The virtues of humility, trust and the integrity of simultaneous interplay between teacher/student as a co-creative experience, is lost to their desire for guru-hood. Overriding true wisdom and halting acceleration, is the ever-common failure of the Path Seeker to control the emotional body into a calm sea of glass.

I have extracted and revised a piece of my work, “The Seven Attributes of Heart” to express the many evolving layers of heart consciousness that differ only by degree of vibration that is discernable as our level of awareness rises.

A selfish heart functions from conditioned logical responses, while the emotions are a continuous shifting of moods and sentiments wrapped into the self. A desirous heart is concerned with sense gratification and is motivated by that which brings pleasure. An egoic heart, pride and vanity plays an important role so that others may fall in love with the mask perceived as Self. Misidentification further thickens the veil of glamour and illusion. A compassionate heart stimulates the innate potential for healing and through the path of selfless service, love flows gracefully and lovingly brings calm and influence upon others. A listening heart is a self-aware organized consciousness of integrated perceptions between inner and outer worlds, open to the channels of knowledge and illumination. A wise heart perceives a world of differing forces that must congeal into a unified whole if there is ever to be systemic harmony. Virtuous, without distortion of any kind, the tide of beingness is in rhythm with an undifferentiated Kosmic awareness. A spiritual heart recognizes the essential unity in all things and merges with supreme consciousness with reflection in the Kosmic self.

Like a huge mirror our ability to govern the law of our own being always operates in accordance with our actions. We must come to realize that we each are responsible for our own happiness and our own misery chained by the instinctive forces that enslave us. We must move beyond these forces into self-mastery by using the gifts with which we are endowed to promote our inner ideal. Each day we can overcome the effect of our selfish hearts and brackish deeds if we act wisely by evolving our hearts vibration to more inclusive values. This leads us to live a noble life with potential to change the world.


Alisa Battaglia 2/11/2009

Collaboration & Goodwill


The planetary body is in a harness and human beings (and Nature) are caught inside an insidious time-bound Matrix that overlords our entire psychical existence. The goal is victory over the human Spirit by dissecting our humanness in relationship to LIFE, ultimately inducing the Soul into automaton – projecting the image of the master’s aberration and psychopathy as the new world order of Technocracy in the terraforming of Nature with its synthetic derivatives.

The systems matrix aka the Archon Network supports synthetic reality with injection of its social engineering programs into the life stream. These corrupting intra-psychic forces with their directive scripts of false beliefs, manufactured truths and virtual realities imposed on the minds of humanity, drive us from our birthright of divine intelligence and lock us into five sense reality. Easily beguiled through psychical trickery, we ignore self-direction and give up our birthright of self-sovereignty. Self-doubt and insecurity replaces natural spontaneity and free thought, and duty and fear with the acceptance of the rote and predictable. This manipulation locks us into self-centered survival drives, apathy and indifference. Our innate human sense-abilities and natural feeling function is a redirect into synthetic substitutes and their created dependencies that veers us off our path of purpose in order to serve a parasitic agenda, which fortifies our servitude to it through its vicious cycle. Worthy focus is on what humanity shares in common as our collective birthright, rather than separation through our differences in color, creed, race, religion, political party, gender, disability, or income. We have conformed to the “world of appearances,” societies external values. Since these values are inauthentic and dwell only on the surface of things, we cannot transform and right use of will corrupted behind masks of seeming. Disconnected from our bodies, our senses and instinctual impulses, we have forgotten about what true relationship is with life – that is the interdependent co-creation with all sentient life. The Archon Grid has grouped Humanity together at the level of ideas, such as racism, nationalism, socialism, communism, corporatism, and now, as a New World Order Technocracy. What was once original, authentic, natural, and borne of direct experience is overwritten for a copy, a synthetic and inorganic variation, a simulated existence and experience of life.

Investigating the past of human history to the present we see hubris at its height that has left no race, nation, or group exempt from its mania. These inflated men and women are the overlord’s minions – the foot soldiers of their diabolical contrivances. For the love of power and promise of a golden life, many humans have asphyxiated their Souls from sustenance within the life stream. Instead, they set into motion a devouring shadow of terror over the Earth drawing energy from its taproot of evil. Drawing inorganic energies to sustain an organic life form is necromancy.

Connecting the dots of our ancient heritage brings awareness of the global lie to surface for inspection and correction. To correct our errors we must confront conflict between selfish values, attitudes, and competitive ways of living that breeds hatred, fosters black and white perceptions to the better ways of goodwill, understanding, cooperation, collaboration. The dichotomy is acute. It is clear that there are many different qualities and energies impinging on human consciousness today, as a sway between good and evil, which is producing both constructive and destructive effects in the evolutionary development of humanity.

Humanity has the power to unite in common cause, in Global Communion, with goodwill founding a common platform of action for all races and creeds to meet. Let us end friction and raise the collective human vibration onto the Path of Heart. The guiding intent to do good for all offers tremendous potency for freedom on every plane of human experience and activity. While energy follows thought, the heart best directs its potential energy, as without it, goodwill lacks the direction of energy into the desired channels and compromises the ability to discriminate between human good and evil. However, once the power of the spirit of goodwill is harnessed, it becomes evident as an essential pre-requisite to solving humanities many problems. Earth-centricity will always harmonize relationships. Without harmonious relationships, meet-ups, summits, workshops and conferences are empty of any real and lasting results and even the best laid plans are doomed for failure due to the inability to bridge incongruence’s and divisive patterns of orientation bound by false truths.

A mutual support, teamwork, altruism, working on behalf of the common good, and the “enormously creative” power of collaborative thinking offers goodwill relations that are necessary as a foundational foothold upon which to build a better world.

Alisa Battaglia
Florida, USA
Revised June 12, 2013

Empowerment Through Awareness

Anyone who speaks the truth must point out the insanity of our times and challenge the authority that conforms people. If we care, we point out to others to wake them up and bring them to a state that is not deceived. ~Tara Singh

Awareness as a responsibility of consciousness is to empower people with knowledge necessary to live healthier, happier, creative and more joyful lives, free of dis-ease through prevention. Prevention strategies align with Nature in the use of organic foods, herbs, and natural therapies like sunshine and exercise, creative expression, heart centered relationships, nature connection, and cultivation of the spiritual core within us that pervades all of life. Empowerment lies in our daily choices. How well we apply the knowledge we receive and employ inner wisdom of discernment either sustains and leads us toward the path of health or towards one that disrupts natural processes producing dis-eased states. My goal is to educate and help individuals reconnect to their interior lives and the world around them with integrity, focus, and compassion. To help empower the bridge building of connectivity between two worlds, and finally to reflect the highest Light within, into the outer world as a creative expression of who they are. Without this general alignment and capacity to integrate, consciousness remains fragmented and thus, we as a race are easy to manipulate and control by both human predators and intrapsychic forces.

Awareness is central to well and an empowered life. With awareness we recognize how the corporate profit machines work by suppressing health freedom, civil liberties and Soul realities in the endless quest for profits through censorship of information and control, which blocks out all natural and common sense solutions outside of drugs, surgery and manufactured realities. The more we know how to prevent our own dis-ease states through common foods, herbs, sunlight, hydration, exercise, avoidance of cancer causing chemicals that line the market shelves and use those protective strategies against intra-psychic forces, the less control the industry (Big-Pharma, Big-Agri, Big Bio-tech, Big Government, Deep State, et al) has over us and the harder it is to exploit our bodies and Nature to create a revenue stream that enriches those corporations. With awareness, we can withdraw our energy and support of highly unethical, exploitive behaviors, which have caused great harm to human life, animals, delicate ecosystems and usurpation of natural resources across the globe.

Empowered, educated individuals are a threat to the profits of the illness industry, which is the backbone of all the other death-urge industries. Industrial Cartels have devolved into a system of perpetuating illness through: enforced ignorance of industry censored information that isolates real solutions by discrediting real science with junk science and all forms of medicine or modalities it does not control; has proposed industry standards that routinely assault and maim both human and Nature in the name of “science”; disease management via drugs over natural therapies; mass exploitation of the human body and natural resources in harmful profiteering on all levels. They have forgotten what it means to nurture and support the Spirit in Life. So, we each must choose with whom and what we wish to align in order to restore and manage the integrity of life from extinction.

Fully Convinced……

If you’re having trouble taking action, it’s probably because you haven’t fully convinced yourself that it must be done. Once you truly convince yourself, you’ll most certainly make it happen. Perhaps you think it’s something that is important. Yet there’s a big difference between thinking it’s important and knowing, without the least bit of doubt, that it must be done. So if you’re hesitant to take action, look within yourself for the reason why. Have the courage, and make the effort, to answer your own objections. You may discover that you’re not sincerely committed to achieving the results your actions would bring. And if that’s the case, you can choose to either find that commitment or to move on to something else. Your thoughts and actions are incredibly powerful. And to focus them in a particular direction, you must be absolutely convinced. Convincing yourself is indeed a challenge, and that’s as it should be. For when you truly convince yourself to do it, you have the power to make it so. ~ By Ralph Marston

Alisa Battaglia 2013

Virus of Mind

Chapter excerpt from, “The Essential Self, Cultivating the Sacred Feminine through Polarity Integration” By Alisa Battaglia

“The death urge mindset has at its core strength, the full knowing that the inner awareness of an individual must be immobilized and placed outside self and nature, in order that the collective consciousness align with the energy recycling patterns of its powerful life degenerating system.” ~Alisa Battaglia

 The identification pattern of the world is founded upon an age-old system of domination that has existed for thousands of years. Its matrix like template is probably the oldest form of exploitation and subjugation on one part of the population by another. Its psychological inversion program serves as a teaching model refined for all other forms of relegation – gender, race, ethnicity, religion, class, and now, by distinctions of consciousness and DNA. At its core, is a death urge mindset with a tenticular reach that has impregnated the veins of culture from the inside out with its virus against Life! The Virus against Life has a penchant for mimicry of the natural order. Its most common feature of influence is “organization,” which follows a methodical system to carry out its subversive divide-objectify and-rule policies for replication within all of life’s sectors.

The predacious system is very “Smart.” This non-organic psychic parasite functions with full knowledge that an individual’s inner awareness must be immobilized and placed outside self and Nature. It knows that when the bio-psyche of nature is deviated from life’s natural rhythm that the integrity of the energy field becomes weakened and open for interception. That human attention is easily diverted into lower vibrational consciousness fields with its resultant behaviors and the emotional effects they produce. In fact, the more chaotic the substance, for instance: self-doubt, confusion, drama, pain, blame, denial, disconnect, suffering, fear and negative energy, the more negative life feeding energy there is for it to consume. For intrapsychic predators manipulating natural life into its designs makes life forms their energetic fodder at the bio-psychic level. They feed on the sexual or generative life force of living things.

The effects of manipulation at the collective consciousness level plays out in the social themes around human sexuality, education, social services, medicine, religion and politics, where the inquisitive and inspirational self is suppressed, diminished or rejected. Suppression lowers the collective mental vibration and pulls it into the habituated patterns of the predator’s powerful life-degenerating system misaligning the natural order of God. To accomplish the underlying motive, human naiveté and ignorance is relied upon, where the malleable mind is less an ally and more the tool of illusory ego fabrication and lower dimensional reinforcement of extremely hindering psychic mechanisms. In other words, it is easy to heist psychic awareness into programs of mind by quietly redirecting the natural flow of biological life energy from the recycling powers of Nature into an automatically predetermined sequence of operations or automation. The ultimate goal and success of this mechanical redirect relies on decoupling humanity from the Essential Self as Soul, Spirit, and Nature Wisdom, as the generative Source of life for its simulacrum. The definition of simulacrum is the de-realization of the surrounding world of everyday reality. What we think “is” real, is not the real thing, as reality is replaced with a superficial likeness, a semblance of, or an insubstantial image that imitates, duplicates, and simulates the original or the real. This is how the virus of mind replicates the original with something inferior, a copy of a copy of a copy of the real to produce a synthetic reality or illusion, an image, to feign truth, to invert it because it can only copy and modify what has already been naturally created in Nature and Infinite Living Mind of God. It has no creational powers of its own. We can obviate this in the narrative of scientific dogmas.

For instance, the expression of the mind virus is mirrored in the dysfunctional sciences of Synthetic Biology, Bioengineering and GeoEngineering. The false gods of science tinker with DNA to corrupt the masculine-feminine spiritual “life seed.” Their fascination for recreating, or mimicking, the natural world with its mutations, inversions and artificial counterparts is a “Trans” agenda to displace the natural order of things in the reorganization of life with synthesized versions of its pathological extreme. Re-engineering bodies, minds and society through life negating sciences replaces and/or interfaces organic life with its synthetic biology terraforming Nature and inducing humanity into automaton. What may look real on the surface is artificial inside. What deems to be healthy is toxic. What appears truthful is a deceptive and so the list goes on.

Humanity is largely unaware of the clever hijacking of the Archontic influences with its virus of mind and biological control programs of hierarchy, patriarchy, and domination that insults the life-urge inherent in Nature. Nature is continuity and a reflection of Gods thinking. When we align with the balance of Nature, we connect with the heart of the Living Library and the Kosmic Mind of God. Instead, the viral mind control triage, that is a pattern within a pattern within a pattern of conditioning influences called, “The Patrix,” seeks to obliterate or avert that human-divine connection between self with Source and substitute that connection with an artificial means until humanity is no longer in likeness of its Soul-spiritual nature.

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Domination + Hierarchy + Patriarchy


The Archon Net is a viral pathology that is netted over humanity as interference to self-illumination. It intrudes subliminally on the human mind using the three obelisks of power to invert the natural order of the Living Mind of God to systematically pervert universal masculine and feminine sexual spiritual vibrations at the foundational level of life. The power hierarchies are the social and political engineers, the technocrats of our age that view biological life as a machine to be controlled through exhaustive monitoring and mutation of life activity. The program inserts humanity into an overall algorithmic pattern that redirects and reverses the lens of spiritual awareness of Unity (light divided into mated pairs) for collective submission into socialization of an artificially constructed paradigm.

The Patrix virus of mind program deviates our intelligence from sanity to pathological relational extremes arresting humanities psycho-sexual-spiritual development through deceptive and deviant means. It is only by observing the viral pathology of the power hierarchies can we identify the energy signature of the Archon Net with clarity and discernment. Understanding the pathology helps us to recognize it so that we place our emotional and natural psychological reactions to those pathologies into proper context. Context provides impetus for action to obliterate the mind virus from seeding humanities co-creating consciousness with their agenda. It calls for restoring sanity within the collective psyche from its inversive logic, circular thinking, psychic hooking and faulty truths around who we really are and our incarnational purpose.

Furthermore, in evaluation of the negative influences of the Patrice’s global directive spin into our private and social lives opens distinction between patterns of consciousness that “generate life” to those patterns that “consume life.” A simple rule of measure to discern truth from its deceptive chimeras is this:

“Patterns of consciousness that are “embedded in Nature realities affirm life” and expand the possibilities of a person’s open future. This is the “life urge” of the generative function whose cocreative impulses assist us onto greater levels of self-mastery, purpose, creativity, beauty, joy, and love. Patterns of consciousness that invert truth at the base level of consciousness follow the chaotic patterns of ignorance, fear, envy, and destructive habits propelled by the “death urge agenda.” The primal death urge is identifiable by any agenda that engages control through subtle forms of discrimination that creates and reinforces illusion, self-doubt, fear, anger, pain, violence, and psychopathy through “Virus of Mind.” It is anything that discounts, diverts, or manipulates the natural ebb and flow of energy in a biological organism from equilibrium or disconnects the collective psyche from the recycling powers of Nature into something mechanical. All that quashes spontaneity, immobilizes inner awareness, and dismantles all things that unite life into wholeness, is a closed system sourced by a primal death urge and is a danger to all natural life systems.”

While the viral phenomenon of the age-old system has mutated over time to “appear differently” it still programs us to think and behave in ways that are destructive to our lives. Its infectious program is a form of bondage like a psychic harness that alters our perceptions about life by filling the mind with ideas, concepts, labels, attitudes, identifications, values, behaviors, infecting our belief systems into fixed perceptions of what we should think, feel, say, and do without our conscious awareness or consent. Passive acceptance of a narrow or myopic mindset shapes our paradigms yielding very different results in life than we expected because the mind virus program pushed out by media controls what information we perceive to make reality look different to us. With so many competing alternatives vying for our attention stream, novelty gains our focus with its pretention. Wholly unaware that reason and our common sense has been co-opted by chimeras, we defend, obey, and embrace the directive scripts and self-limiting ideations about ourselves that keep us in psychic bondage without understanding the “why” of our beliefs or the reason for our unquestioning obeisance to the system at hand.

With the advent of the internet, it has never been easier to heist the higher sense faculties from the inner life and alter perception via memes.” Memes are distinct entities or thought-forms in competition for a share of our minds. They are units of information for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that spread from person to person within a culture. For instance, viral memes transmit from mind-to-mind spreading harmful ideas and infecting pieces of culture through internet media: speech, tweets, blogging, video, film, gestures, symbology, rituals, music, and other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. The mind virus thrives on the belief that its memes are true and preserves itself most effectively through repetition compulsion and/or replication throughout the population. While not all memes are viruses, our labels for things are memes, and not Truth. This clearly points to the fact that the memetic nature of everything we call reality is a fabrication. Vigilance is required.

To avoid Archontic mind virus enslavement we need discernment and to question the “why” of authority, otherwise we are ripe for submission and behave predictably according to our memetic programming. Memes spread, mutate, and survive through the behavior that they generate in their hosts even when they prove to be detrimental to the welfare of the individual. For instance, it is amazing to witness people defend their lives with the memes they are programmed with. They are incognizant of the infectious mind virus co-opting their intelligence and problem-solving abilities sweeping them into the influencing behavior of the thought-infection to act out their reactionary impulses through violence. When we are confused about our life purpose, we are all too willing to believe things and acquiesce to a dominant power ready to exploit us. Keep in mind that everything we do that is “not instinctual” is the result of programming. Our programming is the result of infection by mind viruses that hooks us to believe and spread the World Lie that we are separate from unity in Nature and Creator.

A programmed life is unaware of the inversions of truth that keeps the Essential Self embalmed within its layers of illusion. Remember that programming is always someone else’s idea of who and what we should be. It is never our own idea. Our idea is always where our power is. With this image in mind, it is easy to see how we live in artifice, an artificial state of manufactured reality where the human attention stream easily diverts “onto” something other and identity placed “as” something other ” by “reversing the relationship to Truth.” The victim-perpetrator value system is spread throughout the veins of culture inverting the perception of reality. Inverted perceptions of reality are believed to be Truth, when it is indeed the very opposite twisted into an ever so subtle “inversion loop” where nothing is as perceived. Energetically, the inversion loop “casts a net” over the “thought-field” to shift opinion or sway the emotions into a counter directive pattern or agenda of the natural self. Since individual consciousness is by default rooted in Natures imperative, by applying the “inversion principle” onto the “generation of life,” the focal lens of reality reverses in order to reshape the fundamental core of life into a new social control pattern and biological comingling (animal and human; human with machine) that is both foreign and outside humanities natural disposition. This is how the virtues of life are turned into vice and vice is perceived as virtue. Thus, upon examination it is useful to ask, “What is something I believe, or was taught to believe that is completely false?” Can you see the inversion? What are the underlying directive forces and patterns at play? In searching for faulty patterns, we can ask, “Is this pattern in question of the life urge – regenerative and cocreative assisting onto greater levels of self-mastery, purpose, joy, and love, or is this pattern of influence, a degenerative or destructive agenda born of ignorance, fostering doubt, anger, chaos, pain, fear, and anxiety of the death urge?”

 The tension of energy between the Patrix death urge and the life giving feminine principle are at high voltage to divide consciousness – one for war, chaos, and control and the other for harmony, balance, and cooperation. Choose well!


We learned that:

  • The Archon Net is a viral pathology that uses the power hierarchies to invert the natural order of the Living Mind of God by systematically supplanting universal masculine and feminine sexual spiritual vibrations at the foundational level of life for a simulacrum that redirects and reverses the lens of spiritual awareness of Unity (light divided into mated pairs) into submission for socialization through an artificially constructed global matrix – the Patrix.
  • ARCHON NET > PATRIX = Domination + Hierarchy + Patriarchy
  • Anything that seeks to control through subtle forms of discrimination functions from a lower vibrational pattern sourced by a primal death urge.
  • Programming is always someone else’s idea of who and what we should be. It is never our own idea. Our idea is always where our power is.


Alisa Battaglia,
Michigan 2017-2018