Blocks to Awareness~The Archontic Deception

Blocks to Awareness
 The Archontic Deception

By Alisa Battaglia 2013-2019

“Humanity is free, but in chains everywhere.”

When I look to the world today, I wonder how chaos, confusion and fear has become so embedded within human consciousness and throughout the veins of cult-ure? Humanity is free, but in chains everywhere.  I wonder how this Grand Systemic Evil choking the human Spirit has come to be, from where did it spring? My pondering opens any inquiring mind to further investigate the barriers to self-realization and how our own minds are used to deceive us in this illusory trapping we call life. With a loss of conscience, steeped in self-denial, five sense illusions, and ego-identification with its left brain imbalance, cognitive dissonance runs the life and the Soul’s urge is asphyxiated to accommodate the consumerist desires born of a synthetic world.

If we look deeply into the ancient past, we discover that knowledge exposes the tools of macrosocial evil (large scale evil that overtakes whole societies and nations) with its inherent blocks to awareness and reign of terror since time immemorial.  We have learned that the basic tools of macrosocial evil are the promotion of illusion and manipulation to get people to believe in something that simply are not real and that which does not serve them as they are meant to live – to exploit life to their means for profit and to dissect them from the laws of Nature.

Understanding these barriers to self-realization, the inversions of truth, hubris and the absence of social conscience in world affairs offers humanity a diagnosis for the imprisoned mind.  We see the machinations which conditions humanity into automaton shutting down consciousness through the assault on all life systems via toxic air, food, water and vibration; pharmaceutical drugs and the induction of stress through war and mind control that applies fear to every situation to steadily deteriorate the psyche into survival drives drowning out moral integrity supported by the Souls light.

Evidence reveals that our internal manifestation, the subjective world inside us, of how we think, feel, speak and act is manifested in the outer world.  “As within, so without” so states the Hermetic maxim. And that when there is lack of clarity to moral valence on a daily basis, the long term accumulation of everyday evil invariably leads to the iron grip of macrosocial evil that steadily deteriorates and destroys ALL sentient life systems.  Recognition of these facts of human error lends opportunity to orient our future by resetting our direction in life each day. Getting over the psychological notion of time – the anxiety of past and future- in present moment awareness we open consciousness to see the big picture, rather than the minutia and ask, “Are we moving toward an expression of LOVE that is expanding consciousness, bringing flow to emotion, inclusive of others and compassionate or are we moving toward an expression of FEAR that is contractive shutting down consciousness, suppressing emotions from moral conscience, divisive and controlling others through manipulation and greed?”

While the road is paved with good intentions by many good people, it is not paved in clarity. Only inner congruency produces “Alignment,” a coherency between what we think, feel, say and do. The energy of Love is coherent and thus, produces Clarity that raises consciousness by opening the mind to expanded vectors of perception that are a uniting force toward whole-self wellbeing.  The movement of consciousness through the ever expanding present moment opens awareness to experience the higher faculties of the Soul! The feelings of joy, spontaneity, creativity, powers of expanded perception, compassion and care for all sentient life streams are embodied in how we live day-today.  “… we are still a miniature projection of the universe created in thought by the true God and carry within ourselves the imprint of the real world, the Eden.  Paradise, the Garden of Eden is the matrix from which humanity was born, the umbilicus of life from which the human species springs.” (Andrew M. Lobaczewski- Political Ponerology).  Do you remember?

Through my own observation, research and direct experience into the Soul life, what has been discovered that thwarts humanity off its essential path of wellbeing and co-creative potential is a poisoning of the world view of “getting people attached to see their value and identification through the things of materialism, and to acquire beliefs without knowledge born from direct experience (gnosis).”  This false paradigm is about manufacturing and reinforcing the false or will of the egoic self as a prison of self-limiting consciousness. It is a process of de-spiriting or inducing the Soul into automaton using the low vibration of Fear to perpetuate a cycle of cognitive dissonance and denial to the Truth of our Authentic Nature and self-sovereignty as ensouled beings on this terrestrial plane called Earth.

Eden has been far driven from the consciousness of our essential Self. We have been driven from the seed of Truth, onto the path of self-deception and hubris succumbing to the laws of man terribly missing the mark in error. The prophet said, “I had not known sin, but by the law.” This statement reveals gnosis of governing the laws of our own being through the inherent goodness in humanity and community.  Man’s law entered at birth separated “mine and thine” which ended all community. “What God created was created for all to hold in common possession: vines, grains, and the fruits of the earth. When man forgot that community means equality, and deformed it by his laws, on that day the thief was born. Human law makes a distinction between that which is good and that which is evil. It is faith and love which saves. All the rest is a matter of indifference.” (Andrew M. Lobaczewski- Political Ponerology)

No one can escape the lesson, we can only delay it.

  • Move Beyond the Emotional Polarity of Fear
  • Abandon the Path of Approval
  • Get Over Psychological Time
  • Change Diet to Whole Food Nutrition for Consciousness Change
  • Unplug from the Dominator System – Truth is authority, not the authority as truth.
  • Monetary Detachment to Increasing Sustainability
  • Get Proper Education to live in Harmony with Natures Law
  • Develop Mindfulness – quiet the mind from noise and sensory pollution
  • Develop the Power of Positive Thinking and Humor
  • Follow Your Passion Every Day with Devotion
  • Join the Spokes of the Wheel of Humanity in an Equal Uniting Force

By Alisa Battaglia©2013-2019

Returning Home ~ Living the Solution

Returning Home ~ Living the Solution  By Alisa Battaglia

As I observe the turning of the wave of world consciousness, points of tensions between producing problems and generating solutions for them ignite. This creates upheaval in humanities current social paradigm into a reactionary response to age old problems.  Yet, as problems surface young ingenious minds focused on responsibility for earth’s sustainability are creating newfound solutions. These solutions are in synthesis with the intelligent cocreative capacity of energy systems that when focused literally builds worlds.

So, it becomes interesting to note that for every problem created through unconscious unintegrated action in regard to the whole, there is a solution, but at a more expansive and inclusive level of consciousness.  The solution is always wholistic. It is bio-logical in that it extends, reconnects and awakens the inner threads of Being inherent to the living Earth Matrix, that contains and shares our authentic blueprint. We are not separate from Earth, but a part of her and all of Nature.  To separate this knowing from consciousness and to create from it is to create illusion.

I have discovered in my own life the antidote to stress, disconnected thought, agitation, depression, anxiety and all the divisive principles of orientation that produce inner conflict garnered by a “synthetic” techno-logic lifestyle, is the returning to “Nature processes.”  Here I find peace, clarity, joy, good feeling states, gratitude and a return to fullness and satisfaction of living in the NOW.

Nature offers us regeneration. Regeneration is the giving and receiving element of life that pertains to the generation of force or power. Nature is ever reciprocal as this recycling process is actually built into us through webstrings that feed our inner being, and sustain us offering existential nourishment to fulfill our greatest desires. Yet, when we disconnect our focus from Nature processes, these webstrings of interconnectedness collapse and we literally disengage our regenerative feeding tube to eventual asphyxiation. It is not possible any longer for the “power broker system” to self generate, earth is exhausted.  Instead, what the power system does is siphon energy from all life sources in order to sustain its failing existence. Its actions are neither sustainable nor regenerative because the system requires cannibalization.  It side steps Natures cooperative regenerative existence for one that competes and seizes without care for its own benefit and ego desire.

This synthetic arrangement created by the larger control Matrix is set up to eliminate self regeneration and to make life reliant on its consumer mechanics.  The mechanics of war and its fear producing paradigms is generated to procure the chaotic negative emotional energy it needs to survive.

Understand that the Power Matrix requires the usurping of life energies to get its energy. Unplug from the death urge system that has no capacity to self regenerate and it cannot exist. It only exists by manipulating human emotion and vampiring that energy to sustain itself. It is always taking energy and never giving back.  There is no regeneration, just a one sided taking.

When life is based on techno-logic economic values and its synthetic patterns of thought that supports the fake or superficial life, there is no energy.  Rather, the life energy is siphoned and recirculates itself into the Matrix system, but can not self regenerate because it has unplugged from Earth’s life sustaining energies. The energy siphoned is from the life blood of the human body and Soul draining life force into automaton.

It is evident that humanity has reached a point of inertia. The cogs in the Vampiric Wheel are waking up. The siphoned energies circulating in the Matrix system from Archontic forces are literally controlling the seed or Soul of Nature. This system of techno-logic has reached a destructive point in Earths biology that is no longer allowable. It is a non-sustainable system with no respect for Nature.

Life of those plugged into the power Matrix are in reaction mode, most in utter exhaustion as the self regenerating fuel of Nature has been cut off. Life is being asphyxiated from its primal element – the Soul of the Earth…the conjoiner of all life and systematically being replaced with cloned animals and humans, Artificial Intelligence,  and genetically engineered food stuffs combined with both plant, animal and human elements not for our wellbeing, but for the power Matrix. While there is little energy left, technology has turned man onto itself, cannibalizing to produce more energy into the cog. Naturally, this is the butt of all sorts of aberrations and diseases in Nature’s psychopathology.

Unplug from the Matrix virus – from the cog of the vampiric wheel that cares nothing for life, save what it needs. The only value for us is as a consumer to its synthetic ideology to create a false existence that is separate from Earth, because it is not “of Nature.”

Choose to feel! Reconnect with Nature realities to fill self with the regenerating nectar of life in its glorious ranges of multisensory information. Choose to partake in the solution as Earth’s resurrection Team – to first resuscitate the self as integral to the whole and then to act out that quality knowing and offer it unto the world stage. Bring the soul of humanity back Home to the authentic core of creation – the authentic source of nurturance. Return Home to the health giving forces of Nature from which we are indelibly connected – reach for the life sustaining rays of the Sun.

Alisa Battaglia © 2011-2018



By Alisa Battaglia

“Be not intimidated… nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice.”~John Adams

The fabric of the world Matrix is an Archontic illusion – a planetary maze of deception, a web within a web embedded with memes injected into the mindstream of humanity like a virus infecting the veins of culture.

This intentional heisting of the collective thought-stream and steering it like cattle into prepackaged paradigms that are anti-erotic, anti-nature and anti-feminine uses the dominance of religion, authority and five sense reality lockdown. Cognitive dissonance, self-denial, loss of conscience and ego-identification pushes left brain imbalance into overdrive. The overdrive keeps us stuck on the great wheel of karma…with a redundancy that perpetuates war at every level of life. There is no authenticity, no creativity, only repetition compulsion – gross habituation, a roteness that is devoid of self discovery, spontaneity and where authentic beauty is imprisoned in mind-games – easy to program, easy to manipulate through a directive script borne of a single source creator, a fake patriarchal off-planet God.

Induction into this trance is the story of the ages filled with layers of delusion that covers the Source of the World Lie! Without media complicity and technologies erecting the world of appearances, the Archon Net would not have accomplished such foot-hold in the consciousness of human societies today.

The slow suction of our generative life force is only noticeable over time. The effects are loss of vital energy, tiredness, weakness, lack of will and an overall inertia to face things in life. This loss of creative energies fogs the brain and thwarts us into survival mode making us easy to manipulate by catalyzing the emotions via instinctual responses. Once the hook binds consciousness it can be diverted into synthetic pathways with its false stories that shapes our beliefs and thus, support the concoction of faulty paradigms. Yet, if we pay close attention we can feel this vampiric tethering and pull out the negative psychic and emotional hooks – the feeding tubes that are draining our life field. Every psychic hook has an emotional correlate. The negative emotions we generate are the energies that feeds these intrapsychic parasites. Dissolving our emotional charges into neutrality and standing in self-sovereign power pierces the illusion and dissolves the psychic hook.

Who are the Archons?
Who are the Archons and what are the effects of these intra-psychic predators upon the minds of humanity, culture and Nature and how are they played out in the construct of matter – the terrestrial sphere of physical plane existence we call Earth? Artificial Life via Geo-Engineering, Transhumanism, Genetically Engineered (GMO) foods, Bio-Engineering, Chemical Augmentation, Cloning, Synthetic DNA, Synthetic Telepathy, Synthetic Timelines, Virtual World, WIFI tethering, and so on – anything not born of Natural Law in alignment with the Greater Kosmic Streaming.

The insult to the Life Urge results in gross divisiveness in the misuse of masculine energy and its dominator principles that has divorced the gender allies from one another to produce a sexual caste system generating extremism in the mistrust in human relationships. When imbalanced masculine force has been instilled at the base level of consciousness and its definitions woven into the fabric of social consciousness, human evolutionary potential ceases and a superficial or artificial life takes over. We must heed the warnings of our ancient family of this deceit. A deceit that has overlaid the natural generosity of human love, who can give love, but can no longer receive love due to the out-setting of the feminine quotient.

I call this false patriarchal value system, “The Patrix,” which is an artificially constructed matrix or Big Daddy technosphere whose policy is to divide-and-rule. Its essential structure has existed for thousands of years that we know and its template is probably the oldest form of exploitation and subjugation on one part of the population by another. Its program is a form of mental parasitism that serves as a teaching model refined for all other forms of relegation (gender, race, ethnicity, religion, class and now, by distinctions of consciousness and DNA encodement for mind control). As in any hierarchical system, once a caste has been established those in the high caste or elitist positions develop a vested interest in foot holding its basic structure and paradigm by impregnating the cultural psyche with its value system. It works from the inside out by attacking the fundamental core of life and reshapes its very nature into a new control pattern outside its fundamental nature via intra-psychic presence – a form of bondage like a psychic harness.

In the twenty-first century, its essential structure has expanded. It has widened its base upon the economic dogma of Globalization to increase the influence of individual parliamentarians which further decreases our individual freedoms and promotes dependence upon its centralized structure. The Patrice’s system of structural violence seeks to eradicate the diversity upon which natural life depends in the name of “progress.” This so-called technocratic progress is where decisions are based upon economic principles and now, “greenwashing” industries to take control over the energy sectors, land, food and water supplies, rather than focusing on a peace time economy and the welfare of individuals within a nation and the rest of the natural sentient world. While implications for the masses of any society are disregarded at the structural level, which is cause for creating the systemic crises and their various interrelated symptoms of societal disconnection, epidemic addictive behavior, psychological deprivation, and environmental breakdown in the dominance of one-sided energy. What is seemingly unconnected in this great web of life is closely interlinked and rooted in economic imperatives.

For instance, the status quo of the Patrix is essentially structured for the male under its competitive model, but it keeps everyone supplicated to its features by dissolving the family unit and increasing dependence on mass media and corporate government. Both are owned and controlled by agents of terror. The main features of this type of organizational structure are its psychopathic and ultra narcissistic minions that support this false authority that relies on violence to gain access to labor, markets, and raw materials across the planet. In their quest for profit in reducing the labor powers to an instrument, they are fruitfully rewarded in their exploitative efforts to preserve their status, power and dominance over others.

It is here that humanity must be ever vigilant to determine as to whether this value system of extreme left brain masculine dominance supports or destroys life and to be clear as to what value system their energies are supporting and preserving for future generations. Our answers will determine the changes that we each must make in our lives and the program that must be set into place accordingly that moves us into balance or whole self wellbeing. We can start with ending exploitative economic and political arrangements that are sustained by a continuing surplus of expendable human energy, such as war and taxation of human labor. This means fostering co-creative and collaborative egalitarian enterprises of people’s labor and its results. These cooperative efforts work to create self-sovereignty and limited government. Essentially, this re-formation or “correction” in achieving a New Planetary Ethics will lead to a People’s Revolution as it had via Founding Fathers of the U.S. Constitution and those that came before them.

Alisa Battaglia©2008-2018

“We must not let the rulers [dominator culture] load us with perpetual debt. 
We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our calling and our creeds… [we will] have no time to think, no means of calling our miss-managers to account but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers… And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for [another ]… till the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery… And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression.” ~Thomas Jefferson

Trans-Humanism / Genetic Modification of all Life / Nano-Technology / HAARP / Geoengineering – Film

Virus of Mind

Chapter excerpt from, “The Essential Self, Cultivating the Sacred Feminine through Polarity Integration” By Alisa Battaglia

“The death urge mindset has at its core strength, the full knowing that the inner awareness of an individual must be immobilized and placed outside self and nature, in order that the collective consciousness align with the energy recycling patterns of its powerful life degenerating system.” ~Alisa Battaglia

 The identification pattern of the world is founded upon an age-old system of domination that has existed for thousands of years. Its matrix like template is probably the oldest form of exploitation and subjugation on one part of the population by another. Its psychological inversion program serves as a teaching model refined for all other forms of relegation – gender, race, ethnicity, religion, class, and now, by distinctions of consciousness and DNA. At its core, is a death urge mindset with a tenticular reach that has impregnated the veins of culture from the inside out with its virus against Life! The Virus against Life has a penchant for mimicry of the natural order. Its most common feature of influence is “organization,” which follows a methodical system to carry out its subversive divide-objectify and-rule policies for replication within all of life’s sectors.

The predacious system is very “Smart.” This non-organic psychic parasite functions with full knowledge that an individual’s inner awareness must be immobilized and placed outside self and Nature. It knows that when the bio-psyche of nature is deviated from life’s natural rhythm that the integrity of the energy field becomes weakened and open for interception. That human attention is easily diverted into lower vibrational consciousness fields with its resultant behaviors and the emotional effects they produce. In fact, the more chaotic the substance, for instance: self-doubt, confusion, drama, pain, blame, denial, disconnect, suffering, fear and negative energy, the more negative life feeding energy there is for it to consume. For intrapsychic predators manipulating natural life into its designs makes life forms their energetic fodder at the bio-psychic level. They feed on the sexual or generative life force of living things.

The effects of manipulation at the collective consciousness level plays out in the social themes around human sexuality, education, social services, medicine, religion and politics, where the inquisitive and inspirational self is suppressed, diminished or rejected. Suppression lowers the collective mental vibration and pulls it into the habituated patterns of the predator’s powerful life-degenerating system misaligning the natural order of God. To accomplish the underlying motive, human naiveté and ignorance is relied upon, where the malleable mind is less an ally and more the tool of illusory ego fabrication and lower dimensional reinforcement of extremely hindering psychic mechanisms. In other words, it is easy to heist psychic awareness into programs of mind by quietly redirecting the natural flow of biological life energy from the recycling powers of Nature into an automatically predetermined sequence of operations or automation. The ultimate goal and success of this mechanical redirect relies on decoupling humanity from the Essential Self as Soul, Spirit, and Nature Wisdom, as the generative Source of life for its simulacrum. The definition of simulacrum is the de-realization of the surrounding world of everyday reality. What we think “is” real, is not the real thing, as reality is replaced with a superficial likeness, a semblance of, or an insubstantial image that imitates, duplicates, and simulates the original or the real. This is how the virus of mind replicates the original with something inferior, a copy of a copy of a copy of the real to produce a synthetic reality or illusion, an image, to feign truth, to invert it because it can only copy and modify what has already been naturally created in Nature and Infinite Living Mind of God. It has no creational powers of its own. We can obviate this in the narrative of scientific dogmas.

For instance, the expression of the mind virus is mirrored in the dysfunctional sciences of Synthetic Biology, Bioengineering and GeoEngineering. The false gods of science tinker with DNA to corrupt the masculine-feminine spiritual “life seed.” Their fascination for recreating, or mimicking, the natural world with its mutations, inversions and artificial counterparts is a “Trans” agenda to displace the natural order of things in the reorganization of life with synthesized versions of its pathological extreme. Re-engineering bodies, minds and society through life negating sciences replaces and/or interfaces organic life with its synthetic biology terraforming Nature and inducing humanity into automaton. What may look real on the surface is artificial inside. What deems to be healthy is toxic. What appears truthful is a deceptive and so the list goes on.

Humanity is largely unaware of the clever hijacking of the Archontic influences with its virus of mind and biological control programs of hierarchy, patriarchy, and domination that insults the life-urge inherent in Nature. Nature is continuity and a reflection of Gods thinking. When we align with the balance of Nature, we connect with the heart of the Living Library and the Kosmic Mind of God. Instead, the viral mind control triage, that is a pattern within a pattern within a pattern of conditioning influences called, “The Patrix,” seeks to obliterate or avert that human-divine connection between self with Source and substitute that connection with an artificial means until humanity is no longer in likeness of its Soul-spiritual nature.

/ \
Domination + Hierarchy + Patriarchy


The Archon Net is a viral pathology that is netted over humanity as interference to self-illumination. It intrudes subliminally on the human mind using the three obelisks of power to invert the natural order of the Living Mind of God to systematically pervert universal masculine and feminine sexual spiritual vibrations at the foundational level of life. The power hierarchies are the social and political engineers, the technocrats of our age that view biological life as a machine to be controlled through exhaustive monitoring and mutation of life activity. The program inserts humanity into an overall algorithmic pattern that redirects and reverses the lens of spiritual awareness of Unity (light divided into mated pairs) for collective submission into socialization of an artificially constructed paradigm.

The Patrix virus of mind program deviates our intelligence from sanity to pathological relational extremes arresting humanities psycho-sexual-spiritual development through deceptive and deviant means. It is only by observing the viral pathology of the power hierarchies can we identify the energy signature of the Archon Net with clarity and discernment. Understanding the pathology helps us to recognize it so that we place our emotional and natural psychological reactions to those pathologies into proper context. Context provides impetus for action to obliterate the mind virus from seeding humanities co-creating consciousness with their agenda. It calls for restoring sanity within the collective psyche from its inversive logic, circular thinking, psychic hooking and faulty truths around who we really are and our incarnational purpose.

Furthermore, in evaluation of the negative influences of the Patrice’s global directive spin into our private and social lives opens distinction between patterns of consciousness that “generate life” to those patterns that “consume life.” A simple rule of measure to discern truth from its deceptive chimeras is this:

“Patterns of consciousness that are “embedded in Nature realities affirm life” and expand the possibilities of a person’s open future. This is the “life urge” of the generative function whose cocreative impulses assist us onto greater levels of self-mastery, purpose, creativity, beauty, joy, and love. Patterns of consciousness that invert truth at the base level of consciousness follow the chaotic patterns of ignorance, fear, envy, and destructive habits propelled by the “death urge agenda.” The primal death urge is identifiable by any agenda that engages control through subtle forms of discrimination that creates and reinforces illusion, self-doubt, fear, anger, pain, violence, and psychopathy through “Virus of Mind.” It is anything that discounts, diverts, or manipulates the natural ebb and flow of energy in a biological organism from equilibrium or disconnects the collective psyche from the recycling powers of Nature into something mechanical. All that quashes spontaneity, immobilizes inner awareness, and dismantles all things that unite life into wholeness, is a closed system sourced by a primal death urge and is a danger to all natural life systems.”

While the viral phenomenon of the age-old system has mutated over time to “appear differently” it still programs us to think and behave in ways that are destructive to our lives. Its infectious program is a form of bondage like a psychic harness that alters our perceptions about life by filling the mind with ideas, concepts, labels, attitudes, identifications, values, behaviors, infecting our belief systems into fixed perceptions of what we should think, feel, say, and do without our conscious awareness or consent. Passive acceptance of a narrow or myopic mindset shapes our paradigms yielding very different results in life than we expected because the mind virus program pushed out by media controls what information we perceive to make reality look different to us. With so many competing alternatives vying for our attention stream, novelty gains our focus with its pretention. Wholly unaware that reason and our common sense has been co-opted by chimeras, we defend, obey, and embrace the directive scripts and self-limiting ideations about ourselves that keep us in psychic bondage without understanding the “why” of our beliefs or the reason for our unquestioning obeisance to the system at hand.

With the advent of the internet, it has never been easier to heist the higher sense faculties from the inner life and alter perception via memes.” Memes are distinct entities or thought-forms in competition for a share of our minds. They are units of information for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that spread from person to person within a culture. For instance, viral memes transmit from mind-to-mind spreading harmful ideas and infecting pieces of culture through internet media: speech, tweets, blogging, video, film, gestures, symbology, rituals, music, and other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. The mind virus thrives on the belief that its memes are true and preserves itself most effectively through repetition compulsion and/or replication throughout the population. While not all memes are viruses, our labels for things are memes, and not Truth. This clearly points to the fact that the memetic nature of everything we call reality is a fabrication. Vigilance is required.

To avoid Archontic mind virus enslavement we need discernment and to question the “why” of authority, otherwise we are ripe for submission and behave predictably according to our memetic programming. Memes spread, mutate, and survive through the behavior that they generate in their hosts even when they prove to be detrimental to the welfare of the individual. For instance, it is amazing to witness people defend their lives with the memes they are programmed with. They are incognizant of the infectious mind virus co-opting their intelligence and problem-solving abilities sweeping them into the influencing behavior of the thought-infection to act out their reactionary impulses through violence. When we are confused about our life purpose, we are all too willing to believe things and acquiesce to a dominant power ready to exploit us. Keep in mind that everything we do that is “not instinctual” is the result of programming. Our programming is the result of infection by mind viruses that hooks us to believe and spread the World Lie that we are separate from unity in Nature and Creator.

A programmed life is unaware of the inversions of truth that keeps the Essential Self embalmed within its layers of illusion. Remember that programming is always someone else’s idea of who and what we should be. It is never our own idea. Our idea is always where our power is. With this image in mind, it is easy to see how we live in artifice, an artificial state of manufactured reality where the human attention stream easily diverts “onto” something other and identity placed “as” something other ” by “reversing the relationship to Truth.” The victim-perpetrator value system is spread throughout the veins of culture inverting the perception of reality. Inverted perceptions of reality are believed to be Truth, when it is indeed the very opposite twisted into an ever so subtle “inversion loop” where nothing is as perceived. Energetically, the inversion loop “casts a net” over the “thought-field” to shift opinion or sway the emotions into a counter directive pattern or agenda of the natural self. Since individual consciousness is by default rooted in Natures imperative, by applying the “inversion principle” onto the “generation of life,” the focal lens of reality reverses in order to reshape the fundamental core of life into a new social control pattern and biological comingling (animal and human; human with machine) that is both foreign and outside humanities natural disposition. This is how the virtues of life are turned into vice and vice is perceived as virtue. Thus, upon examination it is useful to ask, “What is something I believe, or was taught to believe that is completely false?” Can you see the inversion? What are the underlying directive forces and patterns at play? In searching for faulty patterns, we can ask, “Is this pattern in question of the life urge – regenerative and cocreative assisting onto greater levels of self-mastery, purpose, joy, and love, or is this pattern of influence, a degenerative or destructive agenda born of ignorance, fostering doubt, anger, chaos, pain, fear, and anxiety of the death urge?”

 The tension of energy between the Patrix death urge and the life giving feminine principle are at high voltage to divide consciousness – one for war, chaos, and control and the other for harmony, balance, and cooperation. Choose well!


We learned that:

  • The Archon Net is a viral pathology that uses the power hierarchies to invert the natural order of the Living Mind of God by systematically supplanting universal masculine and feminine sexual spiritual vibrations at the foundational level of life for a simulacrum that redirects and reverses the lens of spiritual awareness of Unity (light divided into mated pairs) into submission for socialization through an artificially constructed global matrix – the Patrix.
  • ARCHON NET > PATRIX = Domination + Hierarchy + Patriarchy
  • Anything that seeks to control through subtle forms of discrimination functions from a lower vibrational pattern sourced by a primal death urge.
  • Programming is always someone else’s idea of who and what we should be. It is never our own idea. Our idea is always where our power is.


Alisa Battaglia,
Michigan 2017-2018