CARE OF MIND ~ Reshape Your Consciousness To Reshape Your Life

By Alisa Battaglia

Imagine the original Self as a creator that sends consciousness in many directions at once to experience all possibilities. This multidimensional aspect or enlightened Self that is us makes use of this power for healing, personal growth, and to expand our connection into the stream of communion consciousness—The Divine Oneness of ALL THAT IS.

Our individual consciousness is multidimensional and is thus, able to engage the essential energy of all creation for wealth of personal power to manifest the life that we desire; to be more responsible for our own health; and to better govern the law of our own being through accelerated consciousness. We have myriad opportunity to recognize that the journey lies within us and is not an external destination. When we grasp this truism, fine-tuning our focus and discipline into the here and now– assures the necessary changes within to transform smallness of mind into the largess of being that we are.

Understanding the direct relation that our addictive negative thoughts and fears have on our soul’s progression can help us remove obstructions that limit our soul’s conscious evolution. For instance, negativity, whether in thought or visualization is a psychic pollutant that produces trauma in our bodies by taking physical form, as it records all experiences in both our cellular and etheric body structure. When blockages exist, they lower the frequency of our soul and block encoded symbols of Light that carries the celestial plan for our current incarnation and humanities evolution. When our bodies are clear of inner obstructions, the higher knowledge of our mission or blueprint is transmitted telepathically, via dreams and modes of inspiration through the ray of love, wisdom and universal law that works with the divine mind of the higher self.

To understand how we might live our divine blueprint we need to know that our thought-forms resonate at a particular frequency in the bandwidth of our auric fields that opens up holographic connections of an intended experience. Positive thoughts help us move forward on our journey to spiritual development, while negative thoughts inhibit our progress or move us into regression. Our choosing thoughts with optimistic overtones assist us in residing on a higher frequency enabling measured progress. For example, when we express ourselves in positive ways we take on equal amount of positive vibrations. When we express negativity, we equally take on that amount of expressed negativity. Pessimistic thoughts of anticipated doom and gloom help to create our negative experiences. Negative thoughts such as envy, criticism, hatred and jealousy emanates a vibration into the collective mind-sphere arousing the same thought forms creating affect.

Depending on the projected thought forms, they either raise or lower the Earth’s vibration and the collective consciousness. Choosing with integrity the experiences we wish to create via our thought-forms, helps us gain mastery over them by learning which ones attract and lead to joy and those that attract pain and difficult experiences to us. Abiding by Universal Law and Principle helps us to eliminate the pains of living by trial and error.

Releasing the collection of negativity from painful, fearful and frustrating experiences lodged within the varying fields of consciousness (auric layers of the bio-field) helps us to unlock the memory of negative energy imprints. These are the current negative experiences in our cellular biology carried from the womb and collective planetary experiences; genetic memory stored in our DNA passed down from seven generations of our ancestors; and emotional imprints stored within the living library from all our incarnations.  All forms of negativity lower our energy into a state of disharmony or dis-ease. When we address the causes and clear them, we allow our souls to accelerate in consciousness expanding our vector of perception. This provides increasing receptivity and a smoother transition through the various fields of expansion.

As we make contact with the parts of us that are disassociated and awaiting integration, we create an internal connection that was not initially available to us. This connection brings awareness to areas of inner resistance, our pain, where we do not love and honor ourselves. It also brings to fore our stuff to be transmuted and better integrated into our personality. As we release thought forms of old paradigms and those not ours to be cast off, we draw to us new experiences of a lighter energy content which increases the frequency of our energy body’s vibration.

Integration enables us to receive direct communication and guidance from our Soul to create and experience outside of delusion and self-imposed limitation. The goal of emotional purification is to transmute each layer of thought distortion or disunity thought-forms and their associated layers of density into those based in love, unity and honor of self. Discipline in dissolving our inner resistances and dichotomies, value judgments and fear based ideologies with right behavior and focus in the here and now, assures us the opportunity to move beyond the strictures of divisive thinking and gain access to soul memory of Oneness.

Ponder on this: You are what you think about all day long. One insight can change your reality and change the way you think!

Alisa Battaglia©2008-2019