Building Your Integrity Quotient

By Alisa Battaglia

Integrity is virtue in the incorruptibility of core values and the uncompromising vision of what you want in the highest and best for ALL. It is a refusal to quit your deepest dream or compromise principles no matter the obstacle or difficulty and then with courage to act on your higher values in the face of adversity. Integrity is the cultivation of millennia-old classical virtues of trust, compassion, courage, justice, wisdom, temperance and hope by overcoming your own mistakes by using the corrective force of intuition, empathy and imagination.

Upholding and building integrity shapes character when you know what is right and wrong, and choose to do the right thing rather than espousing an ideal and doing something contradictory. In other words, live by virtuous example of doing things in excellence rather than by doing things badly! This translates to communicating with honesty and transparency as not to deceive self or others, to respect people even if you don’t agree with them, to honor your word, do your best in the moment and follow through to completeness, be fair and certainly take responsibility for your word and action as not to bind yourself to the rack of inharmony.

Remember that your soul is having the experience of this life in order to evolve, not the other way around of evolving your ego. Your soul is a moral force and coordinator that always seeks to keep the laws and the rules of your energy fields (physical, mental, and emotional) intact. Service or assistance in helping others is the visible means of expressing your “I AM” reflected in how you live your life and activity on a daily basis. To help yourself helps others. To be of service as a permanent factor of good is to participate in the development of humanity as part of a greater plan of evolution.

As your integrity quotient grows, the more rapidly you become harmoniously adjusted to life. Since your magnetic field is the basis of virtue and moves thought, emotion and attitudes that your field gathers into itself, your attention is essential because the moment you break the laws or rules of life, your magnetic field is affected and thereby affects all else in and around you. This is often forgotten until something bad happens that is irreversible.

The mind-body and emotions are part of one entity and cascade off the other. Know that your emotions are conditioned by your feelings. That your mental processes physically correlate with brain function and that your brain is the taskmaster and the processor to the will of your egoic mind and can even be penetrated intrapsychically. Hence, your mind is a product and action of your receiving sensory information through your brain and is thus, a conditioned instrument. The unbalanced growth of perceptual faculties is also conditioned by external factors. Your subjective psyche is the sum of all forces that influence thought, behavior and personality and whether consciously or unconsciously, directs your body’s reactions to your social and physical environment. Your soul is the result of integrated experiences whose information is stored within it as vibration, which then interacts with your brain to become the conscious.

Your mind-body is archival and holds the memory chain of your “I AM” of all that came before and whose psychological entities of your inner world are unconsciously bottled up inside you. More often your ego mind has taken over your perception which is why you don’t know who you are or what to do. The development of your higher senses are blocked in the chasing of futile desires. Your attachment to them keeps your attention locked into the horizontal plane bypassing what you can actually achieve spiritually in the here and now. While your ego personality lives, your soul has no growth in stasis. When you peel the layers of your psychological conditioning and become free from their patterns, you naturally remember who you really are. You realize that your “I AM” is trapped in your conditioned ego waiting to be liberated.

Use your mind to great potential and educate it to towards the greater spiritual realities that dwell above your egoic mind.  Train your mind in critical thinking, to think things through rather than waste its potential by feeding it wrong information. For instance, following others and taking on their paradigms, worrying about the opinion of others as the driver of your identity, or succumbing to temptations and then losing all sense of responsibility for negative outcomes.  Don’t let your restless mind take away your own need to grow. Don’t remain small by a self-deceptive identity, but rather put your mind to good use and be the leader to the amazing intuitional faculties of your Soul.


Excerpted from my manuscript “The Keys ~ Developing a Mindset that Removes Inner Limitations to Your I AM ”

SPIRITUAL ECONOMICS: The Ultimate Federal Reserve Unlimited Abundance and Prosperity

By Alisa Battaglia

“Where there is demand, supply will appear.”

Abiding by these spiritual Laws and their underlying principles gives you the leverage to change the circumstances in your life so that you may live in peace, abundance and prosperity.

Law of No Judgments:  Make Peace with Your Financial Past. Examine your relationship with money. Be Conscious of Your Judgments. What is your attitude surrounding money? What is your money history? Writing uncensored in a journal about your past actions with money, no matter what it is, will help you make peace with it so that you can move forward. Understanding your emotional patterns with money will help you see through the money illusion and to recognize the real value of money. It’s really very simple to get clear around money: Just wish for others what you would wish for yourself!

Law of Faith: Ask Divine Providence the all-provider for Help. Look to Providence and give your trust over to all provision, a.k.a. Spirit, God, Source is intimately involved in all aspects of life, and finances are no exception. Receive graciously. Clearing up debt is about learning to trust yourself and Providence. Address your request to God, let go, and joyfully expect an answer. Give thanks every day and listen within: You’ll be guided if there are actions to take.

Law of Discipline: Improve Money Management Skills. Learn to manage money before it manages you. Distinguish between wants and needs. Learn self-discipline and self-restraint in money matters. Such conduct can be more important than courses in accounting. Couples show genuine maturity when they think of their partners and their families ahead of their own spending impulses.

Law of Responsibility: Live Within your means. In partnership, one should ask of the other, “Does he/she know how to live within his/her means?” These are more important questions than “Can he/she earn a self sustainable income?” New attitudes and relationships toward money should be developed constantly by all couples.

Law of Balance: Reduce & Recalibrate. Use a budget to get out of debt and stay out of debt. Budgeting is a plan that helps you make the best use of your income and savings. Avoid finance charges except for homes, education, and other vital investments. Buy consumer durables with cash. Avoid installment credit and be careful with using credit cards. They are principally for convenience and not used carelessly or recklessly. Buy used items until you have saved sufficient money to purchase quality new items.

Law of the Present Moment:  Be aware of where your money goes. You can’t reduce spending without knowing how you spend, so the first step is to track your spending. Keep tabs with a money diary or a software program that does the tracking of all the purchases you make (gather all your receipts for a month). Once you have this short history, you will see clearly where your dollars and cents go. Then you can ask yourself: What do I really value? Cut expenses that are not necessary or important—you can add them back later if need be, but at least give yourself a trial period of simplicity.

Law of Flexibility: The Money Current. One word for money is currency; it comes from the word current, which means flow. There are two major modes for dealing with money in life: circulation and congestion. Circulation or letting money out is paying bills, tithing, giving to charity, and so on. Congestion or keeping money in, is hoarding, being stingy. When you congest around money, the flow stops. Money, by its nature, flows. Picture yourself and your money in the flow. Another way to see this flow factor is through the cost of giving and receiving. This is reciprocal exchange! The cost of giving is receiving. Conversely, the cost of receiving is giving, even to your self. You do not need to have a lot of money in order to give to yourself or others. Ask yourself, Where am I wealthy? Start your giving there. For instance, do you have extra time, extra money, or talent? Give those. The feelings associated with genuine joyous giving are to be cultivated. In this wondrous cycle, we all can participate in all of its phases at all times. Share the wealth. Wealth attracts wealth!

Law of Action: Teach children by example the vital principles of provident living – how to manage money and avoid debt while they are young. Teach early on the importance of working and earning. It is basic to personal welfare. One of the greatest favors parents can do for their children is to teach them to work. Much has been said over the years about children and monthly allowances, and opinions and recommendations vary greatly. I believe that children should earn their money needs through service and appropriate chores. I think it is unfortunate for a child to grow up in a home where the seed is planted in the child’s mind that there is a family money tree that automatically drops “green stuff” once a week or once a month. Teach family members that paying financial obligations promptly is part of integrity and honesty development.

Law of Choices: Make self-education a continuing process. This includes trade schools. Use night school and correspondence classes to further prepare. Have your hands in many pots. With today’s trend of heavy worldwide unemployment, you may wish to acquire a special skill or ability in a few areas to avoid prolonged unemployment. Perhaps you wish to start a non-profit organization to serve the world in some way. If you want to be spiritual in your finances, take a few minutes and consider the causes that are closest to your heart. Set your intention for manifestation. Why do you want to acquire new skills? It doesn’t matter what it is as long as you intend the highest good for all. Impress your intention, share it with God through prayer, and listen for guidance.

Law of Expectations: Have a long-range financial plan. Save and invest a specific percent of your income.

Law of Patterns:  Strive to understand and cope with existing inflation. Most wage earners today have less purchasing power than they did in 1973. To some degree, inflation is probably going to be with us for a long time. Realize that you are living in a new era of higher prices and less abundant energy.

Law of Perfection: Appropriately involve yourself in a food storage program. Accumulate your basic supplies in a systematic and an orderly way. Avoid going into debt for these purposes. Beware of unwise promotional schemes.

Law of Higher Will:  Appropriately involve yourself in a preventative health insurance program. In today’s world, health insurance is costly and subject to chemical treatments only. Big business along with corporate government usurps natural health options leaves the majority with few alternatives. The best insurance program with or without health insurance is preventative care. Fasting and detoxification takes care of your body-mind followed with nourishing foods and attitudes. As a precautionary, you may wish to take out hospitalization insurance in case of an accident. If you cannot afford traditional insurance, visit your Doctor or health clinic annually or subscribe to a natural Doctor’s concierge service as an alternative.  Self-pay patients receive discounts and clinics charge a nominal fee. Never leave a health problem unchecked or untreated.

Law of Honesty: Be honest in all financial affairs. The ideal of integrity will never go out of style. It applies to all we do. Pay your debts. Remember that debt is trust. Someone or some company trusted that you would be good for the money. Be grateful that you can pay your bills. Bless Your Money. It is holding “gratitude” for the money you have that creates more money. Give thanks for the service you received, and pray that you and your loved ones may continue to enjoy what each bill represents. Send the same blessing to those who helped provide for you.

Alisa Battaglia©2012-2020

Integrity ~ Operating in Truth

Operating in Truth

By Alisa Battaglia

Integrity is a virtue that relates to the quality of a person’s character–of integrating various parts of the personality into a harmonious, intact whole. Integrity is primarily a matter of keeping the self intact and uncorrupted. About embracing a point of view that does not just take the moral high ground, but pursues a commitment to do what is best. This means that we bring various levels of volition and desire into harmony and fully identify with them at the highest level. To do so we are urged to be conceptually clear, logically consistent, apprised of relevant empirical evidence, and careful about acknowledging as well as weighing relevant moral considerations. In other words to operate from our truth, which means that self-knowledge is crucial as we must know what we value.

What is it to be a person of integrity?

Whenever we state our truth in word, action, thought or otherwise, we empower ourselves by aligning with our personal code of conduct–what we decide is right or wrong for us. We make our own decisions and operate with integrity in terms of commitments to specific kinds of ends, principles and ideals. This care of self allows us to hold steadfastly true to our commitments, rather than ordering and endorsing desires.

When we live with integrity we have no reason to lie. We always win when we reduce confusion about how we feel. Life is uncomplicated and less stressful. It is much easier to live life when we are open and truthful because there is nothing to hide.

A plethora of human characteristics such as capriciousness, wantonness, triviality, disintegration, weakness of will, self deception, self-ignorance, mendacity, hypocrisy, arrogance, dogmatism, fanaticism, monomania, preciousness, sanctimoniousness, rigidity, indifference and so on drive us to moral failure. All these traits can defeat integrity in so far as they undermine and suppress attempts to critically assess and balance desires, commitments, wishes, changing goals and other factors. A person of integrity will find a mean between the excesses of each one of these vices, or traits or practices that undermines integrity.

There are also many defeaters of integrity who try to waiver us from operating in our truth. For instance so-called experts seek to further their own agendas by persuading and manipulating with half truths to get us to do what they want. The same idea applies to our family, spouse and friends. Oftentimes, inexperience succumbs to those who appear more knowing and powerful than us. This causes us to live out of alignment with our truth. Whenever we abandon what we know to be true and act from the strongest current desire of the moment, with no deliberation or discrimination between more or less worthwhile desires, we clearly act without integrity. Each time we go against our inner knowing we lose a little more of ourselves. Nothing pulls us further out of alignment and makes us more miserable than “selling out” and failing to stick to our integrity.

When we operate with personal integrity we refuse to agree with what is wrong, because we KNOW that something does not add up. We agree or disagree simply based on what we know to be true, not on what others want us to believe. We know the truth when we see it. Truth is our barometer, the measure stick of all things.



Virus of Mind

Chapter excerpt from, “The Essential Self, Cultivating the Sacred Feminine through Polarity Integration” By Alisa Battaglia

“The death urge mindset has at its core strength, the full knowing that the inner awareness of an individual must be immobilized and placed outside self and nature, in order that the collective consciousness align with the energy recycling patterns of its powerful life degenerating system.” ~Alisa Battaglia

 The identification pattern of the world is founded upon an age-old system of domination that has existed for thousands of years. Its matrix like template is probably the oldest form of exploitation and subjugation on one part of the population by another. Its psychological inversion program serves as a teaching model refined for all other forms of relegation – gender, race, ethnicity, religion, class, and now, by distinctions of consciousness and DNA. At its core, is a death urge mindset with a tenticular reach that has impregnated the veins of culture from the inside out with its virus against Life! The Virus against Life has a penchant for mimicry of the natural order. Its most common feature of influence is “organization,” which follows a methodical system to carry out its subversive divide-objectify and-rule policies for replication within all of life’s sectors.

The predacious system is very “Smart.” This non-organic psychic parasite functions with full knowledge that an individual’s inner awareness must be immobilized and placed outside self and Nature. It knows that when the bio-psyche of nature is deviated from life’s natural rhythm that the integrity of the energy field becomes weakened and open for interception. That human attention is easily diverted into lower vibrational consciousness fields with its resultant behaviors and the emotional effects they produce. In fact, the more chaotic the substance, for instance: self-doubt, confusion, drama, pain, blame, denial, disconnect, suffering, fear and negative energy, the more negative life feeding energy there is for it to consume. For intrapsychic predators manipulating natural life into its designs makes life forms their energetic fodder at the bio-psychic level. They feed on the sexual or generative life force of living things.

The effects of manipulation at the collective consciousness level plays out in the social themes around human sexuality, education, social services, medicine, religion and politics, where the inquisitive and inspirational self is suppressed, diminished or rejected. Suppression lowers the collective mental vibration and pulls it into the habituated patterns of the predator’s powerful life-degenerating system misaligning the natural order of God. To accomplish the underlying motive, human naiveté and ignorance is relied upon, where the malleable mind is less an ally and more the tool of illusory ego fabrication and lower dimensional reinforcement of extremely hindering psychic mechanisms. In other words, it is easy to heist psychic awareness into programs of mind by quietly redirecting the natural flow of biological life energy from the recycling powers of Nature into an automatically predetermined sequence of operations or automation. The ultimate goal and success of this mechanical redirect relies on decoupling humanity from the Essential Self as Soul, Spirit, and Nature Wisdom, as the generative Source of life for its simulacrum. The definition of simulacrum is the de-realization of the surrounding world of everyday reality. What we think “is” real, is not the real thing, as reality is replaced with a superficial likeness, a semblance of, or an insubstantial image that imitates, duplicates, and simulates the original or the real. This is how the virus of mind replicates the original with something inferior, a copy of a copy of a copy of the real to produce a synthetic reality or illusion, an image, to feign truth, to invert it because it can only copy and modify what has already been naturally created in Nature and Infinite Living Mind of God. It has no creational powers of its own. We can obviate this in the narrative of scientific dogmas.

For instance, the expression of the mind virus is mirrored in the dysfunctional sciences of Synthetic Biology, Bioengineering and GeoEngineering. The false gods of science tinker with DNA to corrupt the masculine-feminine spiritual “life seed.” Their fascination for recreating, or mimicking, the natural world with its mutations, inversions and artificial counterparts is a “Trans” agenda to displace the natural order of things in the reorganization of life with synthesized versions of its pathological extreme. Re-engineering bodies, minds and society through life negating sciences replaces and/or interfaces organic life with its synthetic biology terraforming Nature and inducing humanity into automaton. What may look real on the surface is artificial inside. What deems to be healthy is toxic. What appears truthful is a deceptive and so the list goes on.

Humanity is largely unaware of the clever hijacking of the Archontic influences with its virus of mind and biological control programs of hierarchy, patriarchy, and domination that insults the life-urge inherent in Nature. Nature is continuity and a reflection of Gods thinking. When we align with the balance of Nature, we connect with the heart of the Living Library and the Kosmic Mind of God. Instead, the viral mind control triage, that is a pattern within a pattern within a pattern of conditioning influences called, “The Patrix,” seeks to obliterate or avert that human-divine connection between self with Source and substitute that connection with an artificial means until humanity is no longer in likeness of its Soul-spiritual nature.

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Domination + Hierarchy + Patriarchy


The Archon Net is a viral pathology that is netted over humanity as interference to self-illumination. It intrudes subliminally on the human mind using the three obelisks of power to invert the natural order of the Living Mind of God to systematically pervert universal masculine and feminine sexual spiritual vibrations at the foundational level of life. The power hierarchies are the social and political engineers, the technocrats of our age that view biological life as a machine to be controlled through exhaustive monitoring and mutation of life activity. The program inserts humanity into an overall algorithmic pattern that redirects and reverses the lens of spiritual awareness of Unity (light divided into mated pairs) for collective submission into socialization of an artificially constructed paradigm.

The Patrix virus of mind program deviates our intelligence from sanity to pathological relational extremes arresting humanities psycho-sexual-spiritual development through deceptive and deviant means. It is only by observing the viral pathology of the power hierarchies can we identify the energy signature of the Archon Net with clarity and discernment. Understanding the pathology helps us to recognize it so that we place our emotional and natural psychological reactions to those pathologies into proper context. Context provides impetus for action to obliterate the mind virus from seeding humanities co-creating consciousness with their agenda. It calls for restoring sanity within the collective psyche from its inversive logic, circular thinking, psychic hooking and faulty truths around who we really are and our incarnational purpose.

Furthermore, in evaluation of the negative influences of the Patrice’s global directive spin into our private and social lives opens distinction between patterns of consciousness that “generate life” to those patterns that “consume life.” A simple rule of measure to discern truth from its deceptive chimeras is this:

“Patterns of consciousness that are “embedded in Nature realities affirm life” and expand the possibilities of a person’s open future. This is the “life urge” of the generative function whose cocreative impulses assist us onto greater levels of self-mastery, purpose, creativity, beauty, joy, and love. Patterns of consciousness that invert truth at the base level of consciousness follow the chaotic patterns of ignorance, fear, envy, and destructive habits propelled by the “death urge agenda.” The primal death urge is identifiable by any agenda that engages control through subtle forms of discrimination that creates and reinforces illusion, self-doubt, fear, anger, pain, violence, and psychopathy through “Virus of Mind.” It is anything that discounts, diverts, or manipulates the natural ebb and flow of energy in a biological organism from equilibrium or disconnects the collective psyche from the recycling powers of Nature into something mechanical. All that quashes spontaneity, immobilizes inner awareness, and dismantles all things that unite life into wholeness, is a closed system sourced by a primal death urge and is a danger to all natural life systems.”

While the viral phenomenon of the age-old system has mutated over time to “appear differently” it still programs us to think and behave in ways that are destructive to our lives. Its infectious program is a form of bondage like a psychic harness that alters our perceptions about life by filling the mind with ideas, concepts, labels, attitudes, identifications, values, behaviors, infecting our belief systems into fixed perceptions of what we should think, feel, say, and do without our conscious awareness or consent. Passive acceptance of a narrow or myopic mindset shapes our paradigms yielding very different results in life than we expected because the mind virus program pushed out by media controls what information we perceive to make reality look different to us. With so many competing alternatives vying for our attention stream, novelty gains our focus with its pretention. Wholly unaware that reason and our common sense has been co-opted by chimeras, we defend, obey, and embrace the directive scripts and self-limiting ideations about ourselves that keep us in psychic bondage without understanding the “why” of our beliefs or the reason for our unquestioning obeisance to the system at hand.

With the advent of the internet, it has never been easier to heist the higher sense faculties from the inner life and alter perception via memes.” Memes are distinct entities or thought-forms in competition for a share of our minds. They are units of information for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that spread from person to person within a culture. For instance, viral memes transmit from mind-to-mind spreading harmful ideas and infecting pieces of culture through internet media: speech, tweets, blogging, video, film, gestures, symbology, rituals, music, and other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. The mind virus thrives on the belief that its memes are true and preserves itself most effectively through repetition compulsion and/or replication throughout the population. While not all memes are viruses, our labels for things are memes, and not Truth. This clearly points to the fact that the memetic nature of everything we call reality is a fabrication. Vigilance is required.

To avoid Archontic mind virus enslavement we need discernment and to question the “why” of authority, otherwise we are ripe for submission and behave predictably according to our memetic programming. Memes spread, mutate, and survive through the behavior that they generate in their hosts even when they prove to be detrimental to the welfare of the individual. For instance, it is amazing to witness people defend their lives with the memes they are programmed with. They are incognizant of the infectious mind virus co-opting their intelligence and problem-solving abilities sweeping them into the influencing behavior of the thought-infection to act out their reactionary impulses through violence. When we are confused about our life purpose, we are all too willing to believe things and acquiesce to a dominant power ready to exploit us. Keep in mind that everything we do that is “not instinctual” is the result of programming. Our programming is the result of infection by mind viruses that hooks us to believe and spread the World Lie that we are separate from unity in Nature and Creator.

A programmed life is unaware of the inversions of truth that keeps the Essential Self embalmed within its layers of illusion. Remember that programming is always someone else’s idea of who and what we should be. It is never our own idea. Our idea is always where our power is. With this image in mind, it is easy to see how we live in artifice, an artificial state of manufactured reality where the human attention stream easily diverts “onto” something other and identity placed “as” something other ” by “reversing the relationship to Truth.” The victim-perpetrator value system is spread throughout the veins of culture inverting the perception of reality. Inverted perceptions of reality are believed to be Truth, when it is indeed the very opposite twisted into an ever so subtle “inversion loop” where nothing is as perceived. Energetically, the inversion loop “casts a net” over the “thought-field” to shift opinion or sway the emotions into a counter directive pattern or agenda of the natural self. Since individual consciousness is by default rooted in Natures imperative, by applying the “inversion principle” onto the “generation of life,” the focal lens of reality reverses in order to reshape the fundamental core of life into a new social control pattern and biological comingling (animal and human; human with machine) that is both foreign and outside humanities natural disposition. This is how the virtues of life are turned into vice and vice is perceived as virtue. Thus, upon examination it is useful to ask, “What is something I believe, or was taught to believe that is completely false?” Can you see the inversion? What are the underlying directive forces and patterns at play? In searching for faulty patterns, we can ask, “Is this pattern in question of the life urge – regenerative and cocreative assisting onto greater levels of self-mastery, purpose, joy, and love, or is this pattern of influence, a degenerative or destructive agenda born of ignorance, fostering doubt, anger, chaos, pain, fear, and anxiety of the death urge?”

 The tension of energy between the Patrix death urge and the life giving feminine principle are at high voltage to divide consciousness – one for war, chaos, and control and the other for harmony, balance, and cooperation. Choose well!


We learned that:

  • The Archon Net is a viral pathology that uses the power hierarchies to invert the natural order of the Living Mind of God by systematically supplanting universal masculine and feminine sexual spiritual vibrations at the foundational level of life for a simulacrum that redirects and reverses the lens of spiritual awareness of Unity (light divided into mated pairs) into submission for socialization through an artificially constructed global matrix – the Patrix.
  • ARCHON NET > PATRIX = Domination + Hierarchy + Patriarchy
  • Anything that seeks to control through subtle forms of discrimination functions from a lower vibrational pattern sourced by a primal death urge.
  • Programming is always someone else’s idea of who and what we should be. It is never our own idea. Our idea is always where our power is.


Alisa Battaglia,
Michigan 2017-2018