Awakening to A New Earth

Awakening to a New Earth Starts with Ourselves

By Alisa Battaglia

“Our morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to our lives.” ~ Albert Einstein

There are many things that cause my essence to leap out in passionate expression. Such fundamentals are found in a beautiful environment bestowed through Nature & by the human hand-societies cultural artifacts; loving relations cultivated through the heart of compassion, which fosters goodwill toward all; and service to humanity, governed in Truth by the laws of Spirit-the pervading One Life that connects everything together even when it appears disconnected and chaotic on the outside.

The cultivation and preservation of these primary fundamentals rely on the foundation of Free Will in order to take root and flower in expression. Imagine Free Will as the soil upon which humanity lives, moves and has its being. But, what exactly does Free Will mean? In humans, it is the power or capacity to choose among alternatives or to act in certain situations independently of natural, social, or divine restraints. Without such a principle, our creative imagination would have no natural channel for manifestation and authentic communication. Communication is our most essential right. Without the freedom to communicate, other rights deteriorate cracking the foundation upon which all else is built.

When our capacity to freely communicate is muffled, our 1st amendment is threatened and walls are erected in order to block channels of communication. When there is a need to block, coerce, destabilize, confuse, divide, manipulate, distort and control there is always an insidious agenda of force that attempts to hide something…pulling a veil over the eyes of humanity…to seal the truth from those who have ears, eyes, can speak and think abstractly that is the bigger picture. Illusion is an obscured sense of reality.

Please note that it is impossible to govern the law of one’s own being if one is not aware of what is going on around them politically. The political arena deeply affects our lives as it sets the stage for what is permissible socially, economically, environmentally and even personally. When people choose not to admit to things that are apparent or even acknowledge the subtleties of intuition that cause them to think twice, that often discarded for failure to believe such things could actually occur…there is a need to break free from the illusory trappings of our cultural conditioning and patriarchal template that is presently functioning in the extreme. When we do not choose and instead fence sit, by default, we align with the forces that seek to control, manipulate, and destroy life. We lose our voice, our capacity to communicate freely and most importantly, we surrender our Free Will.

 We live in an era in time where we are confronted with what we consider a greater sense of freedom than most, but now as a populace rising to awareness we discover that our freedoms in all areas of life are truly being usurped and threatened. As this occurs, we hear many stories about goodly forces that are to rise against the dark forces of invasion to save the human species without our need for action or some claim miraculous intervention by just waiting and praying. Brothers & Sisters, WE ARE THOSE PEOPLE that we read and hear about, WE ARE THE MIRACULOUS…THE GOODLY FORCES & SAVIOURS when each of us enters our heart into guidance of action in alignment with the greater Spiritual Will that is ALWAYS Life Affirming! Naturally when we enter a crisis in perspective we must be careful not to respond reflexively…we must move beyond our mammalian–programming which contains a pair of primal routines: fight & flight; dominance & submission; hunter & prey; victim-perpetrator, and so on. Perhaps we must think more and reflect with intensity, honesty, and emotional courage – to walk the labyrinth of our psyches to gain a kind of “mountain-top” perspective necessary to keep the human biography alive.

The higher road is for each of us to claim our courage with an assertiveness that is always necessary as is boundary setting and boundary defending. In some part of our lives, we must decry, “Enough!” This claiming does call for great intestinal fortitude, but outside events often are forced upon us slowly until we recognize the necessity of claiming our legitimate needs that we exercise the power of our Wills. This evolution of the Self is often an undertaking of a Herculean effort. Those who respond weakly generally experience some sort of victimization, are exploited, abused, get depressed or into accidents.

Ponder this statement closely in relation to the archetype of the Spiritual Warrior: “There may be violence, but no love of violence. There is skill with the sword, but no love for the sword.”

Let us awaken & join together in cohesive action to preserve the good, the beautiful and the True, both human and planetary life.

Heartfelt Blessings,

Alisa Battaglia







Alisa Battaglia© August 2007-2018