Fortified by the Flame

Fortified by the Flame

By Alisa Battaglia

We enter the earth plane fortified by the waters of life. Their magnetic forces imprint into our bodies a stream of beliefs carried from the past, vows and future contracts. Our minds are impressionable and are conditioned by the part of the world we live in with its religious and cultural mores. Education or the lack of resources partakes in creating an external image of self. These factors and more shape our world, but none actually authenticates who we really are. Our faulty beliefs about ourselves and the world we live are outgrown and ineffective as we dawn into a new awareness, a new world.

The tensions of inner and outer conflict are felt more than ever before as the world we once knew crumbles around us. As the Earth body re-acclimatizes and the human family enters a reorganization of mind erecting new ideas, innovation and opportunity, we are each called to enter into a new heart of being. Linking the mind and the heart is the healing balm for humanity. It is the gateway to the fiery corridor in the purifactory process. A radical cleansing that none can escape. To walk through the corridor we must claim our courage. The level of our courage or resistance is directly proportional to how much we are liberated.

Friction between two opposing forces creates fire. Fire is the element of purification. When we consciously choose to no longer oppose ourselves we forgive and surrender to the fire. First, dissolution must occur to allow for healing reorganization. As we surrender to the embers layers of our resistance burn away–we let go of attachments to our faulty beliefs that bind us in fear and pain. Once the smoke has cleared we feel a congruency in what we think, feel, say and do. Healing reorganization aligns us into a freer, more truthful expression of self.

With a spirit of commitment, persistence, and focused action, we are encouraged to deepen, to remove yet another layer of resistance. The fires of purification rage as the primal ego demonically thrashes in a final attempt for control in dissolving the illusions of the false self. A new face emerges – exuberant, self-accepting, creative, and abundant in compassion and love. Out of this purified space, the will of the personality and the Soul desires integrate into creative union.

With freedom to cultivate, the all-consuming sacred flame burns brighter within. Fortified by the flame we initiate into the connective force of love and compassion to serve world cause.

Published in Sibyl Magazine, December 2008


Path of Union

Path of Union

By Alisa Battaglia

The foundation of the Path of Union recognizes the evolutionary process of the soul and is thus, based within the living energy fields of sentient Earth. There is no ascension (disembodied enlightenment). The soul of the luminous child of Nature is already ascended and eternal. The process is about incarnational experience and growth through the connection with Nature. Our soul is connected to the Earth and our Spirit is connected to the galactic core, our Source, and origin.

The illusion of separation is an Archon implant via the construct of the ego-complex to separate us from soul and Spirit. The ego by default is divisive, thus, it cannot participate directly with the Miracle of Life, and as such, is a threat to our sovereign conscience and connection with Nature. Its mechanized behavior bifurcate the fluidity of the bio-psycho-spiritual complex and redirects the attention into automaton via technological trickery and false authority creating models in our minds of how to live by guiding what we think, feel, say and do. We are convinced that the imprisoning social edifice is real offering freedom through its simulations and virtual realities. We are convinced that second hand experience is better than direct experience, that the authority imposed on us is to protect us from our sovereign conscience and that artificial is better than the natural forms of sustenance, healing, beauty, and perfection of Nature. Ultimately, these substitutions over the natural world disconnect the life umbilicus from Earth sustenance, asphyxiating the human spirit and inducing the human Soul into automaton. This Archontic deception played out by its psychopath minions in vie for power and control over all life is the source of evil on our planet. (EVIL: that which defies innate human goodness, works against the symbiotic unity of life, and impedes our species’ capacity to survive and thrive. ~John Lamb Lash)

When we connect with divine Nature wisdom and intelligence, our soul over-rides the ego’s illusory concepts of reality and we begin to ground Spirit into our bodies. The unhampered human soul with its divine faculties and intelligence can now participate directly with the miracle of the living Earth and attain gnosis via direct access with the Divine. Such communion is embodiment in the attainment of full somatic enlightenment that is open to all of us.

There is a union of all things that are different. Union is the connection of the diversity in relationships – of combining or bringing together different things together as one. For example the: physical-gender body, mental, feelingful-emotional, and creative life energies in their relationship with one another and within the sensorial realms of Nature and interdimensions of Spirit. Working with these fundamental life energies and the patterns created from their inter-relationship proposes a multifaceted, integral, and open-ended approach to inner organizational change. While everyone has their own set of beliefs, feeling ranges, and life experiences that create a kaleidoscope of possibilities, there is equally a passage of sheathing the inauthentic parts of our nature that is common to all of us if we are to experience the emergence of a material soul.

The purpose of sheathing layers of density or inner resistance is to regain our palpable human essence, which brings reorganization or alignment within the somatic body and synthesis with creative spiritual energies and planetary frequencies of which we are a vital part. Closer to the core of our authentic Self, as luminous children of Nature, we begin to unfold unto our creative life purpose in our current incarnational gender body.

At the core self is a palpable essence of refracting luminosity through the diamond heart. The innerdiamond is the soul’s crystal recorder held within the feeling heart matrix that when amplified gives and receives true Love, Grace, and the translucent light of the Godhead.


Alisa Battaglia©2012-2018

How about this perspective for a pattern of living? 

How about this perspective for a pattern of living? 

God, Source, Creator, Universal Mind, or whatever name you perceive your God…is within All because Spirit is the essential principle contained in all things imbued with love, intelligence, and Wisdom. From this stream of the One Life, the spiritual triad is formed, the Father-God, Son/Sun-Soul and the Holy Ghost-Spirit.  Here the human being has a method for transformation that requires an awareness of free will and an engagement of the mind. Christ is humanities living example of transformation, transfiguration, and transmutation. Within each of us is the seed, the Universal Christ Pattern, or potential for Christ Consciousness, which is an activated heart centered reality of increasing levels of integration from the “I” perspective (transformation) to engagement with the “We” (transfiguration) to still more inclusive values of “Us” (transmutation). One Love!!!

This blueprint awakens unity consciousness, which is to align the Soul under free will with the higher Will of Source for humanities ascent to the power of good over evil in the material world. Remember that God is the One Life and that all of life is an expression of the ONE GOD, including the shadows of humanity that is labeled sin or evil.

What is called sin or evil, is a divergence from the stream of unity consciousness… movement askew of our potential from the pattern that has been set before us. The forces of rebellion in the unseen forces (astral realm) have been called Satan, the devil, evil, sin, the serpent, Lucifer, The Demiurge, Archon, intrapsychic predators, vampires, ET’s, etc…yet, they are all one in rebellion with Spirit when they move against the Life Urge of Christic initiation with the Living Waters of Wisdom.

Any mind activity that rebels against the influences of good, compassion and care and aligns with influences that distract, distort, rebel, or misalign with the One Source through the pull of material influences, it bifurcates consciousness into parts missing the Living Spiritual markers producing self-amnesia in the striving of higher ideals and values. Spiritual ideals help us to change and grow because they give us something to envision, to strive for. It is what arises spontaneously from the Soul…intuition unfolding revealing and affirming what calls to us from our depths. Authentic transformation is always guided by Core values/ideals or revelation for it to occur, as it is a primary principle for integration. With integration, there is “distinction” between personality-ego and individuality-Soul. Meditation is a means to move inward. Dreams lend insight & guidance.

To sum it up…Evil is a rebellion, an unbalance, of extremes (fundamentalism is an extreme): It is a lack of awareness/ignorance; rebellion & willfulness; aggression & invasion. The so many patterns of the ego that continually miss the mark, divert or misalign with the undivided stream of the One Life.

You may ask yourself what interrupts or diverts you?  What interferes with the pursuit of your ideals?  Most likely, your authentic answers will knock you off your high horse revealing within yourself, the sin of judgment.  But, don’t worry, I am not judging you, because you too, are an expression of God head…perhaps having missed the mark in the extreme.

Reverend Alisa Battaglia

Soul Bonding

There is a worldwide heightening of spiritual awareness. As conduits of Source energy, we must seek to nurture the growing awareness of the Soul’s presence in the life of the self and to assist others towards this evolutionary impulse to higher self-mastery in connection with the whole of life. As each member of the human family is birthed into awareness and at-one-ment with their own Soul, at a greater level a unified link to the Soul of humanity occurs. Since consciousness must connect with the larger organism, of supernatural intelligence, this unified link or bonding with our “Great Sustainer” opens consciousness to symbiosis, to higher platforms of living awareness. Symbiosis is an ongoing integral process in our evolutionary pathway in the life and soul of the planet.

As we inhabit the regenerative soul of Nature and recall our link to Spirit, we consciously attune to the natural order of the universe and the more we heal the inner chasms that shroud our authentic self. Humanities loss of connection with Nature has stunted the development of consciousness.  Mending the gaps in phylogenetic memory enables us to evidence the virus that offers no life, no essential purpose other than to bring chaos through a loss of energy and vitality where the sense of self disintegrates.

Consciousness is a gift endowed by Nature and we are to align in that direction. However, when human consciousness is cocooned from the biosphere and intelligent living is disconnected from art, social interaction, cultural development, or spirituality and life is diverted into synthetic realities, the feeling function is cut off and our psyche is rerouted producing inflated ideas of our own importance. Pulled from authentic reality we suffer from arrested development, aberration and succumb to human evil and we are unable to fulfill our co-creative potential with Nature.

These intra-psychic implants of a delusional world reality that foster human evil with its machinations to control all life and ensure continued suffering and early demise, is the virus. When we go against Nature, we forget that we are also part of Nature. However, the human Soul is the consciousness or regenerative link to the essential substance of the Creative Life Source – the Spirit in Nature. Linked to Nature, She is our path to whole-self wellbeing – of truth, beauty, and harmony.

Nature is the Great Sustainer and since the human soul is bonded into the soul of the Earth through an umbilicus, we have the capacity to live sustainably and walk in beauty with supernatural intelligence. We do not need the limitations of a synthetic artificial intelligence. Human nature is the human part of Nature. Nature intelligence is the terrestrial path to our Healing, to our quantum leap of living in symbiosis with the rest of the biosphere, of living in harmony with other life forms. It is time to forge a new relationship with the biosphere, our support system. We need to connect with it, nourish it, Love, cherish and celebrate it!

“If you are all head, no heart; live an empty vapid existence; engage in superficial meanderings of the status quo; find yourself in repetition compulsion; and engage in virtual realities as solace for unrequited love or exchange for human, plant, and animal relation, your psyche is trapped in an abyss with no life support. Reconnect to your authentic origins in Nature.”

Alisa Battaglia©2012-2018

Sensitivity to Impression

Power and significance is achieved when humans work directly with Nature intelligence in conscious ways to establish balance. We can begin to do this by being attentive to the impressions registered in our surrounding environment. We may not realize that we are subject to such impressions, but we are on some level of consciousness. The ideal is to make such impressions conscious and to reorient the registration of these impacts from an emotional reactivity to the development of a mental responsiveness to spiritual impression – of Spirit grounded into Matter. Sensitivity to spiritual impression has to do with developing an awareness of relationships. It acknowledges through feeling that all things in life are interconnected, intermingling, ever exchanging energies, that nurtures from the point of connection or malnutures from the point of disconnection.

As we become more sensitive to relationships and contacts, something wonderful begins to happen to us. The cloud of inertia over the human brain begins to lift and an awareness of “something more” pervades our consciousness. We recognize that we are lacking in potency and direction with self, others, and estranged from Nature realities. With this dawning awareness of relationship, the crystallized barrier that has been erected over eons to protect the interests of the separated self begins to crack, increasing our capacity to respond to the need of our environment with a spontaneous outflow of a loving heart and an intelligent mind.

Developing sensitivity to spiritual impression is the challenge of the path of spiritual development because silence must be cultivated. Silence is the key to impression because it directs attention of the listener away from the demands of the ego complex or centralized self and inward to the voice of the Soul. There is tremendous power cultivated from an inward focus towards the Soul when there is an impersonal attitude, one of observer. It is from that inward point that we realize that ideas are energy currents available to all minds attuned to those currents. When like minds come together with purpose of human progress and intent for right human relationships ideas bearing solutions to the world’s problems are anchored.

We live in a world where the allures of consumerism are the strongest. We have also in a period of history where science is exploring the outer world governed by natural laws. With this in mind, we are beckoned to conscious participation with the whole of life, in absorption into the imparted truths, so that they become a part of our consciousness.

Everyday we wield energy through our thoughts, words and actions. Let us becomes modes of expression or relaying channels and not delaying points of self-interest in the divine flow.


Alisa Battaglia©2007-2018

My Experience with Diamond Girl

Allying with Nature Part 2

I know my dog Diamond has consciousness. She has a real personality and tells me what she wants in many ways by her body language and in her various tones of barking and whining intonations. Miss Priss licks the fridge with her eyes to me cueing me to open the door when she wants a snack and points to the cheese & lunch meat drawer with her nose. Funny Dog!

As she lounges on my ottoman in my office, she looks in the direction or stands in front of the closet that houses her dried chicken treats. If I don’t comply she will stare at the back of my head until I feel her gaze and turn around, then she’ll give me the paw and a voice intonation of her desire for a treat-treat. She also acts as my moderator or nanny. She pushes my hand off the mouse when I am on the computer for too long and when I am up too late writing, she stands at my doorway sleepy eyed whining as she yawns reminding me that at 3am I should be sleeping. She might join me, jump up on the ottoman and wait until I go to bed.

When she wants to walk she looks and pauses at that the closet door where her leash is, otherwise she expects to walk after I have done my stretching exercise routine. She is very attuned to time & when I tell her we will walk in an hour she comes back in an hour to the dot. I am always amazed.

She nudges my leg with her stuffed toy for me to play with her and tells me when she wants to be massaged or needs affection even though she gets more than she wants. I can’t help myself – she is so soft, fluffy and cute. Muah, Muah, Muah!

I adore my Wichicki and treat her as I like to be treated, like a Queen. She knows I wholly respect her and she rarely gives me trouble save some food wars. Daddy has spoiled her with steak. Everything else is inferior and she prefers her food cut up in small pieces and enjoys most being hand fed. These are the problems of human spoiling. I don’t let her hunt ducks, even though I have pulled a few out of her mouth, so what else am I to do? Girl needs her meat, but she loves buttered greenbeans like Mommy and will eat an entire bowlful if I hand feed her. She’s a piece of work!

I have a prep-walk song to gear her up as I put on my sneakers. She goes wild shrieking full of kisses to my face and barks with glee at the opening of the front door. Then, just before converging onto the community pathway from our house I allow her to choose the direction she wants to go. I used to impose my will uncreatively and always walk in one direction never crossing the street to visit different lakes. In other words, I was boring and she thought so too. It was only until I discovered that her sudden plopping on the grass facing the direction she wanted to go was not because she was thirsty or tired, but that she wanted to stop and cross the street to visit another lake for a dip or chase a scent. Finally getting it, I now seek to make each walk a new adventure and take different paths and allow her to experience the lake and animal life.

We have so much fun that we walk rain or shine. She loves the rain and thunder crackles and darts outside gleefully running in circles and barking at the sky doing her rain dance. She expresses upset when I am away for too long, only a few hours and upon my return she whines with great relief & licks me robustly toppling me over with her exuberance. I am her primary human & she owns me …LOL. These are only a few experiences, but clearly animals have emotions and a capacity for thinking beyond the instincts that are Nature to all animals, even human-animals.

After 4 years we have developed an interesting telepathic rapport that I have tested and tested over again. She reads my mind & understands things that pertain to her directly in my thoughts and language. She know when I am talking about her. She is my utmost dear, my warrior protectress and mostly, she helps me stay grounded and to stay open to spontaneous life and simple love. I love my Wichiki furkid, the unbridled joy of my life.

Alisa Battaglia
Weston, Florida  2008