Thought Building ~ Quality & Discernment

Thought Building
Quality & Discernment

By Alisa Battaglia

If a man devotes himself to the instructions of his own unconscious, it can bestow this gift [of renewal], so that suddenly life, which has been stale and dull, turns into a rich unending inner adventure, full of creative possibilities. ~Marie-Louise von Franz

The core substance of the Kosmos is consciousness. Consciousness is the awareness of being aware. Thought is an attribute of consciousness, the filter through which consciousness or the Awareing Self manifests itself into the hologram of form, as no-thing is truly solid. The only difference between a thought and a manifest thing is the frequency of the observer, which makes looking at our own mental processes an integral part of our evolving character. What we pay attention to is what we become conscious of. Freewill or choice essentially boils down to what we pay attention to.

The right use of mind bridges the gap between the real and the unreal into a state of union that holds all things together. Hence, it is through the thought form field or Morphogenetic Field (the basic energy structure that allows all manifest forms to keep their substance/shape) that true healing and integration occurs. As we come to understand the stages of matter density, that the levels of all creation pass through to manifest holograms of reality, we begin to flow Kosmic energy through our field without attachment to interpretations. Succumbing to flow enables a holding of the stream of undivided consciousness or Gods perfect thoughts in our minds to crystallize them into manifest holograms of reality.

Consciousness > Light > Thought > Action (event)

The human mind is an energy force that continually generates patterns of scalar waves (language of light & sound) or energy through the process of thought. Focused thought potentates scalar power. This helps us to understand how thought directed with clear intention and knowledge of the structure of the subtle-body anatomy influences the function of our capacity to manifest.

Thoughts are scalar wave configurations of multidimensional vibrating patterns, and thus the energy frequency of our thoughts, either positive or negative, projected into the thought form field directly affect conditions that will be met in manifest experience—both the observable state of the mind/body-spirit complex and the manifestation of events within the external life drama.

As manifestors, we become a conductor of electricity and through skillful means, we cut away the egoticism that short-circuits energy to the Soul and destroy the artificial barriers that hold us to the past and press ahead to the eternal NOW. Total alertness to the NOW is the filtering process that allows us active participation in making healthy choices for ourselves without the coloring of the past or future projections. Quality and discernment of thought is required to make right choices. Such keen perception or judgment that discernment brings is ever garnered through the conscious heart. The insightful receptive heart knows the difference between things that amplify us and things that diminish us. Always listen to the presence of the wise heart within.

To recreate ourselves and the world, humanity must develop the critical skill of presence. Presence means consciousness becoming conscious of itself. Consciousness renders the possibility to learn the discipline of controlling thoughts and feelings, as well as focusing the stream of attention on what is at the moment. Too often, we mis-take the stream of thoughts that enter the brains matrix as our own, when they are the thoughts of the Universal Subconscious mind stream or others random thoughts floating in the thought form field. Since we are part of Universal Energy all thoughts travel through our brain (matrix), just as all emotions travel through our emotional body. While this inflow may be so, we have choice over which thoughts and emotions we call our own—in other words we choose our content from the incoming stream of our own patterns of thought and that of the global mind. And like a sieve we may catch or let through these thoughts and feelings that come through to either nourish us or drain our energy, and then we choose which ones to assimilate and integrate. Integrating the Language of Light or unity based thought-forms into our energy field becomes the new operating system in our choice to increase in vibrational scale.

Whenever we choose peaceful and loving scripts to experience, we must hold their thought-forms. This is why focuses that are peaceful and loving to experience will help to hold a script that is peaceful and loving in nature. However, some thoughts are less than peaceful and loving in nature. These may be garnered by uneven emotions, the media in its forms of television, internet, video games, books, music, or theater as they latch the subconscious into their focus.

For instance, as an empath, I refuse to entertain subjects of evil & torture or watch disturbing graphics that would cause negative thought images to ruminate in my mind, as this results in nervous agitation and heartache at the abuse and injustice. The research I do oftentimes leads me to such subjects. Here, I must recognize life’s disturbing realities, but choose not to focus on the negativity because it will skew my personal script in another direction than intended.  So, I counteract or replace the negative with a positive thoughtform. I choose which thoughts and visuals to metabolize and which ones to discard. This keeps me sensitive to others suffering and grateful for the blessings of grace in my life. Ugly, false and self-abnegating thoughts have no room in my life and if they should arise in my sub-conscious for observation, I look at them without judgment and then discard them. Our inner thoughts and emotions determine the level at which we vibrate and attract to us things and people vibrating at a similar level. Observation of thought is the platform from which thought building is mounted. It is the only way we can truly know ourselves as Being.

However, if we fail to make any effort at all to harness our thoughts we create chaotic patterns within our field of manifestation and we fall into daydream, fantasy, thinking, remembering, or anticipating, and the energy diffuses by scattering into multiple directions. Yet, if we try to follow our thoughts without controlling them, we discover how inconsistent they really are. We observe that we may eradicate one thought to only find another tailing close behind. The mind stream is continuous until we are present. In presence, we are free of thought and can observe the passage of our thought streams. For instance, we can do this by applying the mind to a specific task. As the more aware we are of our mental processes and quality of thoughts streaming through our brain (holographic bio-computer that runs the body), the easier it is to see them as they are. We discover that as we gather our thoughts and hone our attention we can potentate them into great power and energy. Such undistracted focus is pure thought. But, the moment we claim or attach ourselves to any thought pattern, they instantly congeal or become frozen at that point into our emotional body. We cannot use stuck energy for co-creative purposes, but if we allow our thoughts to simply flow across the mind-screen and we happen across a negative thought, we must choose not to wrap our minds around it, but let it flow through us–liberated from our judgments. Otherwise, mind left to itself creates monstrosities. So, in letting go we are present and in rhythm with the Universal Law of Magnetic Attraction and flow with the beautiful mind of Godhead.

Imagination & Focus

Every thought that we hold for more than seven seconds initiates the manifestation process, into either a positive or negative experience. Any person, place, condition or thing we focus our attention upon is magnified in our own consciousness and our inner and outer worlds as well. This means that we magnify either fear and stress patterns or the Divine energy of God. But, because there is so much unawareness to mental processes and primary intention that motivates action, many require a transitional purification period to wipe out sloppy creations that were not intentionally desired. Oftentimes our core thoughts are flawed (Example: I am so flawed that no one can possibly love me – I can’t even love myself) and in attempt to mask these flaws through distractive means, both to ourselves and others, we do things haphazardly without any real focus. This is where holding intention and then the choice to hold the thought-form associated to create change comes into play.

Alisa Battaglia ©2010-2018